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Who plays Ivan in ‘Elite’ Season 5? Meet the Brazilian actor

Who plays Ivan in ‘Elite’ Season 5?  Meet the Brazilian actor
Who plays Ivan in ‘Elite’ Season 5?  Meet the Brazilian actor


Elite Season 5 is now streaming on Netflix and fans of the Spanish drama want to know all about Las Encinas’ hottest new student, Iván Carvalho.

The moment Iván set foot in Spain’s most prestigious school, heads turned, including Patrick (played by Manu Ríos), who was still in shock after losing Ander (Arón Piper) and Omar (Omar Ayuso) in season 4.

In Elite, Iván is the son of famous fictional footballer Cruz Carvalho (Carloto Cotta), but who is the actor who plays Iván? Newsweek has everything you need to know.

Ivan Elite Season 5

Who plays Iván in Elite Season 5?

André Lamoglia embodies Iván Carvalho in Elite Season 5.

Lamoglia, 24, is a Brazilian actor from Rio de Janeiro. He joins the cast of Elite alongside Valentina Zenere, who plays new girl and Instagram sensation, Isadora.

Before making his debut as Iván in EliteLamoglia was well known for playing Rafael in the Disney Brazil show Juacas and Felipe in The traitor.

He is currently playing the role of Luan in Beer alongside Isabela Souza and Julio Peña, a role he has performed since 2020.

Lamoglia’s other credits include Justice Secrets, 1 Against All, Rock Story, Encore, No and I Am More Me.

His older brother is actor Victor Lamoglia who starred in Sharknado 5: Global Swarming, Followers, and Chain reaction.

The day of Elite As season 5 came out, André Lamoglia took to Instagram to thank fans and reflect on the highly anticipated new series.

Lamgolia wrote under a series of images from the new season that he hoped fans would feel “represented” and audiences would “cry” and “laugh”.

The post in full reading [translated]: “Season 5 of @elitenetflix, now available worldwide!

“Yeah, the day has come. Being here today to kick off a new season of a series the size Elite, is a source of great pride. I am very happy with the result of this work, done with great dedication and joy.

“I want to thank you for the messages I receive, from you who support me, who take a little time in your day to support me through a message. And thank you also to you who believed in my work .

“Anyway, may they really enjoy this trip, may they feel represented, may they cry, may they laugh…

“A big kiss! Aaah, and vamoooo Brazil!!”

You can follow Lamoglia on Instagram under the handle @andrelamoglia.

In Elite, Lamoglia’s character, Iván, finds himself in a complicated love triangle and later, between himself, Patrick and his own father Cruz. At some point, Patrick’s twin sister, Ari (Carla Díaz), got involved.

Luckily, all the drama aside, Iván and Patrick finally ended up together, hoping to set up a happy story for them in Elite Season 6 which has already been given the green light.

Fans of “Ivantrick” shared their love for the couple online. One fan tweeted: ‘Patrick and Ivan were the best thing that ever happened to the elite, they need an endgame #Elite5’

A second fan wrote, “Patrick and iván’s smiles when they look at each other is all it’s perfect”, and a third fan replied, “Patrick and Ivan the only plot that matters in elite 5”

Elite Season 5 is now streaming on Netflix.




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