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McCarthy Hits Dems After Declaring "Chinese Coronavirus" Racist


Parliamentary minority leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., Defended himself this week after Democrats accused him of racism using the term "Chinese coronavirus" to describe the global pandemic that has taken hold birth in China.

The controversy started on Monday when McCarthy tweeted a link to the federal government's website containing information about the coronavirus.

"Everything you need to know about Chinese coronavirus can be found on a regularly updated website," he said.

"Viruses have no nationality," representative Ilhan Omar, D-Minn, said on Tuesday. "It’s racist." President of the Chamber Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., Similarly called McCarthy's "sectarian" statement, suggesting that the main Republican has helped spread misinformation about the Asian-American community.

"@GOPLeader must delete this tweet and apologize immediately, "she tweeted, using McCarthy's Twitter handle.


But as McCarthy noted, mainstream media used the term "Chinese coronavirus" at the start of the epidemic.

"It has started again. → The Democrats are trying to score political points by calling the Republicans racist," he tweeted. "Coronavirus is a disease of Chinese origin, exacerbated by a communist party which has rejected America's aid to contain it. This is why Dems and the media have it. have been calling "Chinese coronavirus" for weeks. " It included screenshots of headlines from The New York Times, Washington Post, and CNN, among other outlets.

He added that the Democrats were sowing a division which was playing out in the hands of China. "Don't fall for it," he warned.


China has registered the vast majority of cases (over 80,000) and deaths (3,158). Still, MSNBC presenter Chris Hayes said he was "incredibly rude" to representative Paul Gosar, R-Ariz., To call the disease the "Wuhan virus" – a term that refers to the part of China where the virus originated.

"(Call #COVID ー 19 Wuhan virus is an example of myopia that has allowed it to spread to the United States, "Rep. Ted Lieu, D-Calif., tweeted. "The virus is not limited by country or race. Be just as stupid to call it the Milan virus." He also specifically targeted McCarthy's tweet, claiming it showed a "shortsighted focus on China."

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., Said Tuesday that people are avoiding Chinese restaurants because of "direct racism around the coronavirus".


Several outlets have reported that Chinese restaurants have seen their business decline as the pandemic swept the world.

The Massachusetts Restaurant Association said in a statement released last month that customers were making "inaccurate correlations" between eating at Chinese state establishments and the spread of the new coronavirus.

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