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Coronavirus UK: Boris Johnson urged to lock the UK out of a coronavirus outbreak | United Kingdom | New



And a new survey found that the decision to close businesses in Britain was rejected to prevent the spread of the disease. It also closed all of its activities, except essential businesses, such as pharmacies and supermarkets.

As a result, the British government has been asked to implement a similar measure that would see the country potentially stalled.

So far, the government has defined four steps to fight the virus: contain, delay, research and mitigate.

So far, the focus has been on containment and delay, but there is a certain degree of uncertainty as to how the virus will develop in the coming weeks.

Thousands of readers have said it is vital that the country is locked in to protect citizens.

When asked, "Should Britain be locked out to prevent the spread of coronavirus?", A majority of 3,914 people (65%) said yes.

This contrasts with 1,969 people (32%) of those who voted no.

And only 195 people (three percent) said they didn't know what action the government should take next.

A total of 6,078 people responded to the Express survey between 12:50 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 11.

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Another said, “There are still viruses in certain parts of the world.

"Stop messing around and go on with your life."

And another reader wrote, "Lockdown for a cold and the flu?"

"No. Be real!"

But some measures should have been implemented weeks ago.

One reader said: "The UK should have stopped all non-essential travel weeks ago!

"Too little too late now!"

Another wrote: "As usual with our parliament, it is too late.

"This is an island, it should have been relatively easy to control the spread of the virus and any other disease.

"But with people coming back home constantly to visit their families and coming back regularly, and our IT establishment's refusal to listen to people, it would always happen at this point."

And one said, "I think it is too late now, we must let it run its course and hope for the best."

The coronavirus has so far killed more than 4,000 people worldwide.

A total of 373 cases were announced in the UK at 9 a.m. this morning, but by tonight the number of deaths from the virus in Britain has risen to eight.

The victims have been described as elderly and with underlying health problems.

The survey was posted on the website on March 11 from 1 p.m. to 9:20 p.m.

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