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The identity of Taskmaster revealed by actor Black Widow? SPOILERS !!


Tasmaster's identity

It goes without saying, but if this information is correct, we now know the identity of Taskmaster in Black Widow. So beware of the potential SPOILERS for Black Widow in the article below !!

*** SPOILERS ***

Taskmaster identity

Yesterday, the release of the latest trailer for Black Widow, the latest MCU offering and the first film in Phase 4. The trailer pointed out that Taskmaster seems to be the big villain of Black Widow and the main antagonist. At the bottom of this news, I will add a few pictures showing some of the most important information from the latest trailer that fans are talking about. However, there is an ongoing conversation that could certainly be described as DISCLOSURE.

RELATED: Damn, Black Widow's Latest Trailer is Awesome, But Still Slightly Worrisome

Actor O-T Fagbenle used social media to promote the new Black Widow The trailer and its #TM convinced everyone that it means that the actor is the man behind the identity of the Taskmaster. Check it with kind permission from MCU Direct.

Now, although it is not a smoking gun, we have to say that it pretty much checks. Fagbenle was on the bill, he was also on stage at Comic-Con, and yet his face was not seen anywhere in the trailers. Anyway, most of the players in the industry had made Fagbenle believe that he embodied the character behind the identity of Taskmaster. This could be more of a confirmation of the fact. Although many fans have guessed that the character of Rachel Weisz could really be Taskmaster, the trailer confirms that this is not the case.

Now, it might not be a big spoiler or it could be huge. If the identity of Taskmaster is never an issue in the film, that doesn't matter much. However, if the identity of the Taskmaster is one of the key elements of the story (possibly seen without a mask), this could be quite the DISCLOSURE, so the above tags.

I guess it won't be long now until we find out, but I have to say that for my own money it seems very likely to me. In the meantime let's look at some of the other great revelations from the last Black Widow trailer.

Taskmaster Watched The Iron Man 2

Taskmaster identity

This section of the trailer is probably the one I've talked about the most so far. Given Taskmaster's comedic origins clearly, the villain watches Black Widow to learn his fighting style. In the comics, Taskmaster was able to copy anyone's fighting style after watching them (apart from Deadpool, which he couldn't even understand.)

So it looks like Black Widow will have to face someone who knows his fighting style intimately. One would assume that Taskmaster is learning or already knows a lot about some of the other players in this film. Clearly, Red Guardian and Taskmaster are going to have at least one or two fights in Black Widow. The image above shows Red Gaurdian fighting in a descending plane and using his shield, in a way very similar to the way Taskmaster is seen using his own.

Iron maiden

No, not the Metal group, but an allusion to the comic character of Iron Maiden. Here you can see the precise comic mask clearly belonging to Melina Vostokoff played by Rachel Weisz. It seems that Vostokoff plays in the Widow team with Red Guardian in the film. Some fans still predict that her comedic nickname means that she will become a villain. Is it possible that Melina is the real power behind Taskmaster and plays on both sides? Black Widow and Iron Maiden were serious enemies in the comics, but we know Marvel Studios likes to mix things up a bit.

Yelena opened up?

It looks like Yelena is on an operating table here and about to get her head cut. For what purpose is it unknown? But there has been speculation that super soldier serum may play a role in this film. It seems that the Russians did manage to get this serum since we have both Red Guardian and Winter Soldier, aka Bucky. Could Yelena somehow hold the key so that Taskmaster gets their hands on more Super Soldier serum? It is pure speculation on my part, I admit.

I wonder how much the Super Soldier serum will play in the future now that Cap is gone. I suspect it could be followed in Falcon and the winter soldier. The upcoming show takes place several years later Black Widow, which we know is defined before Infinity War.

What do you think of the last Black Widow trailer? Do you agree that Fagbenle seems to be playing Taskmaster? Leave your thoughts in the usual place below.

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