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Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson test positive for coronavirus


6:20 p.m. PDT 3/11/2020


Abid rahman

The actor was shooting the untitled Presley movie by Baz Luhrmann for Warner Bros.

Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson tested positive for the coronavirus (COVID-19), the actor posted on his personal Instagram on Wednesday.

Writing from Australia, where Hanks is shooting Baz Luhrmann's Elvis Presley film for Warner Bros., the actor said, "Hello, friends. Rita and I are here in Australia. And a few body pain. Rita had chills coming and going. Light fevers too. To play things well, as is needed in the world right now, we have been tested for coronavirus, and we have been found positive. "

He added, "Well, now. What to do next? Official doctors have protocols to follow. We Hanks will be tested, observed, and isolated as long as public health and safety requires. Not much more than a day-to-day approach, right? "

Hanks, 63, is expected to play Colonel Tom Parker in Luhrmann's film Elvis, which is in pre-production on the Australian Gold Coast.

On March 5, Wilson performed songs from his new album Halfway home at the Emporium Hotel in Brisbane. On Saturday, Wilson made his debut at the Sydney Opera House. It is not yet known if Wilson was infectious at the time.

In a statement to The Hollywood Reporter, a spokesperson for Warner Bros. confirmed that the pre-production on the film had been stopped after a "member of society" on the production of Elvis had tested positive for coronavirus and that "the person who had tested positive for COVID -19 was currently receiving treatment. "

The studio did not specify the number of actors and crew members who worked with Hanks during pre-production. The film, slated for release in October 2021, stars Austin Butler as Presley and Hanks as Presley director Colonel Tom Parker. The cast also includes Maggie Gyllenhaal, Rufus Sewell and Olivia DeJonge.

"We work closely with appropriate Australian health agencies to identify and contact anyone who may have been in direct contact with the person. The health and safety of members of our business is always our top priority, and we take precautions to protect everyone who works on our productions around the world, "said Warners. "The person who tested positive for COVID-19 is currently receiving treatment."

On February 28, Wilson, also 63, spoke about the coronavirus and the precautions it takes when participating in an unforgettable evening at the Women’s Cancer Research Fund at Beverly Wilshire. As she walked on the red carpet, Wilson, even then, was careful and careful to keep a healthy distance from the other guests. Speaking to reporters on the red carpet, she avoided the air kisses and crossed her arms over her chest. "It’s a precaution, yes," she said. THR.

The event came just after Wilson postponed a series of concerts with Kristian Bush of Sugarland that the couple were scheduled to play at US military bases in South Korea. "Many of these (coronavirus) cases are very, very close to one of the bases we were going to play on, so we will defer. We will do it in the fall now, or maybe in the spring, but we will definitely be going back because I want to do it, "she said.

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