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All signs point to WWE rescheduling at WrestleMania 36 due to coronavirus


Despite WWE's efforts to obstinately soldier ahead By airing its biggest show of the year, WrestleMania 36 suddenly finds itself in limbo amid the new COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic that has spread beyond WWE control.

Among all the increasingly sinister national updates, which have led to the cancellation of major events such as South by Southwest, the Arnold Classic, Coachella and all other large public gathering in Washington state, the coronavirus threat has become even more poignant after the NBA star and the Utah Jazz Center Rudy Gobert has tested positive for COVID-19.

The NBA has therefore suspended its season indefinitely, and the players of Jazz and its opponent Oklahoma City Thunder quarantined.

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Although the city of Tampa has reaffirmed its plans to move forward with WrestleMania 36 as recently as Wednesday, the continued spread of an outbreak that has since been turned into a pandemic was too serious a threat to power.

Tampa area reporter Jon Albas tweeted that the status of WrestleMania 36 was much less upbeat than that of WWE and the city of Tampa. WWE insider account @WrestleVotes echoed similar sentiments.

@WrestleVotes then tweeted that the Friday edition of SmackDown, which was previously scheduled to air from the Little Caesars Arena in Detroit, Michigan, could possibly switch to the Performance Center due to the virus.

The city of Tampa is should meet on Thursday to decide to cancel or postpone major upcoming events in the region. As WWE scrambles alongside the rest of the live entertainment world to find backup plans for smaller-scale TV shows, things do not bode well for Raymond Stadium's WrestleMania James with 65,000 seats.

In an emergency address to the nation on Wednesday evening, President Donald Trump announced a 30-day travel ban throughout most of Europe, one of the most represented continents during WrestleMania week.

The XFL's refusal to cancel a Sunday afternoon game in Seattle will emanate without spectators after Washington State has banned public gatherings of more than 250 people, as if this could be an indicator of the how Vince McMahon plans to broadcast WrestleMania. Still, it's hard to imagine that McMahon and WWE are swallowing millions of dollars in ticket revenue to run an empty show.

One thing seems increasingly certain: WWE is unlikely to broadcast WrestleMania from Raymond James Stadium on April 5. In order to preserve both the health and safety of its fans, in addition to preserving its revenues from the biggest event of the year, all signs point to a delay in WrestleMania.

At this point, a delay may well be the best of times.

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