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Hotts Spots: Promoters Take Safety Measures For St. Patrick's Day | Culture & Leisure


Local promoters say that despite concern over the coronavirus outbreak, there are no plans to cancel the St. Patrick's Day celebrations scheduled for this weekend and Tuesday.

There are two reported cases of COVID-19 in Michigan, each in Oakland and Wayne counties and authorities are taking steps to deter public gatherings in an effort to stop the spread of the disease . But the promoters say they take safety precautions for annual events and want people to go out to drink green beer and enjoy Irish food and music.

Anthony Jekielek, owner of Vintage House Banquets & Catering in Fraser, said preventative measures were being taken for Tuesday's celebration, which had drawn hundreds of people in the past.

"We will put in place many healthy and clean measures to ensure that all toilets are filled with antibacterial hand soap, hand sanitizing stations and that all of our food service staff will wear appropriate food safety gloves when food handling. " Said Jekielek.

Brad Teagan, director of the Irish pub Three Blind Mice, agreed. "We will have lots of water and soap available," he said.

Here are some ideas on where to go green in Macomb County:

• Vintage House Banquets & Catering, 31816 Utica Road, has three banquet halls, two heated tents, a games room, six groups, DJs, a percussionist, photobooth Elite Entertainment and a live broadcast with Spike and Joe from the chain 95.5 of WKQI-FM Radio from noon to 7 p.m. The party takes place from 7 a.m. Tuesday to 1 a.m. Wednesday. Free admission until noon, $ 10 after. Visit

• Kapones Sports Tavern, 24301 Harper Avenue. in St. Clair Shores, will open at 7 a.m. without coverage all day. Indoor / outdoor activities, swag, door prizes for those who wear green, East Side Still Alive music, bagpipes and DJ all day.

dooley st patrick

On Tuesday, Frank Sgroi and the Dooleys gang in Roseville will have Irish fun indoors and out.


• Dooleys Irish Tavern, 32500 Gratiot Ave. in Roseville, will have a live broadcast from Chuck & Dave of WRIF-FM (101.1), DJ, Bernie the Leprechaun, pipers, booty, heated outdoor tent, doors open at 7 a.m.

• Three blind mice at 101 N.Main in Mount Clemens will have two floors of fun and a heated outdoor tent, all of which will open at 7 a.m. Live music from Alexandria N & # 39; Transit Band, Orbitsuns and Ignition Switch in the tent, DJ inside. Irish cuisine including the famous Wigley's salted beef, swag, gifts and a large collection of over 300 craft beers and over 190 whiskeys and bourbons.

• Rec Bowl, 40 Crocker Blvd. at Mount Clemens, opens at 10 a.m., live music by Wayback Machine from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m., take your photo with a leprechaun, an Irish delicatessen.

• Ciccarelli's Premier Sports Club and Pizza Buscemi at 46793 Hayes in the township of Shelby will organize a practice day at 7 p.m. Saturday. Customers can receive an official personalized Guinness pint glass while supplies last, swag and gifts.

• At Pat O & # 39; Brien & # 39; s Tavern, 22385 E. 10 Mile Road in St. Clair Shores – the anchor of the Nautical Mile – will have live bands, DJs and specials.

• Mangan's Irish cabin, 49 N. Rose at Mount Clemens, has an all-day celebration with owner Bill Mangan performing live music and traditional Irish chants from 7 a.m. until closing.

• Downtown Utica will scramble with its collection of bars. Muldoon & # 39; s, 7636 Auburn Road, will celebrate from Friday to Tuesday with an outdoor tent, shows, DJs, pipers and special dishes.

There will be more Irish fun at Hogs Hollow Smokehouse, 45108 Cass Ave.,, and Shamrock Pub, which is one of the county's oldest establishments, at 7715 Auburn Road,

st patrick's beer head

Beer went straight to Vince Garrisi's head during a St. Patrick's Day celebration in Mount Clemens.


• Blake's tasting room, at 17985 chemin Armada Center, in Armada, will be open from 11 am to 9 pm. with traditional Irish dishes, drinks including green cider (Blake's flannel hard cider), Irish Stout and Back40. Live entertainment from Single Shot and The Hackwells. Wear green to get $ 1 off the pints and grab a coin from the Pot o & # 39; Gold to win prizes such as 20% off retail purchases.

• Younger's Irish tavern, 120 S. Main St. in Romeo, organizes a day of practice on Saturday with listening to a barrel of green beer at 5 p.m. The evening also includes a menu of Irish dishes, gifts and entertainment from Bill Grogans Goat starting at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Younger & # 39; s will offer a free Irish breakfast from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m., bagpipes, Irish dancers, a DJ, WCSX-FM (94.7) remote broadcast from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. and entertainment from Paul & Oates from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.

• O & # 39; Halloran & # 39; s Public House at 112 Macomb Place in Mount Clemens will open at 10:00 am with an Irish themed buffet for $ 15, music by Friends O & # 39; Ken from 5:00 to 9:00 pm. and more.

• Roger & # 39; s Roost at Sterling Heights will offer Irish meals with corned beef and cabbage, reuben pizza, Irish stew and green beer. Entertainment by Moxie Blitz and Maggie McCabe, and DJ Kenny Washington. The Roost is located at 33626 Schoenherr Road.

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