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Earthquakes must repair their defense

Earthquakes must repair their defense
Earthquakes must repair their defense


By Luis Bueno – Riverside, CA (April 20, 2022) NFL Players – Over the past several seasons, the San Jose Earthquakes have been many things. One of these is entertainment. The earthquake attack was fine in strength, defense poor to disastrous. Designed for high-score matches that are fun and often exciting. However, this was not exactly the formula for success.

San Jose hasn’t been able to find a balance between a delightful product and success in the field since the era of the Goonies a decade ago. Their last attempt to turn that around was to “break up” with coach Matthias Almeida on Monday, less than two months into the 2022 season.

In the press release announcing the move, San Jose General Manager Chris Seitz said, “There is still a lot of football to be played this season and we believe we have a squad that can compete for the playoffs.”

Maybe, but it will take some work. This year’s team, which includes some high-profile off-season acquisitions, has been together for three months now under Almeida’s direction. While the results have been poor, all this work depends on a certain style of play. Under interim coach Alex Covelo, that must change.

More recently, this has been the norm in Northern California. San Jose has undergone several renovations since it moved past the first round of playoffs over a decade ago. The team won the cheerleader’s shield in 2012 but faltered in the first round. Since then, the Quakes have reached the playoffs only twice, in 2017 and 2020.

Under Almeida, the way they win and lose matches has definitely changed. Pressing style can produce some outstanding attacking, but most of the time it has been in disappointing performances. The result was a team struggling to participate in the Western Conference. Still, no significant improvement. Almeida took a bad situation. San Jose set a 4-21-9 record the year before Almeida took over. They won 13 games in his first season despite missing the playoffs.

A tumultuous 2020 season saw San Jose eliminated from the playoffs. They also did well at the MLS Is Back Championship that year as well. However, 2021 was the same bullish pattern. The team won ten games, but it wasn’t enough to get into the post-season. They finished seven points behind seventh-placed Real Salt Lake.

San Jose defense has been at the root of the club’s problem for years. Last season the Quakes finished with a positive goal difference in 2015 at +2. Achieving a lot of goals makes the team interesting. San Jose knows how to score, but their attack can’t keep up with the opposing team’s offenses.

This year was supposed to turn things around. The earthquakes made interim general manager Chris Leach the permanent employee. The Quakes player was once diligent in trying to improve the roster. The club brought in players such as Francisco Calvo, Jean Gregos, Gameiro Montero, and a year ago it went on a deal with Jeremy Ibobisi. The quartet had success elsewhere around the league with Gregos and Montero joining as designated players. Turning that talent into a clear advantage is an ongoing project.

San Jose is winless at 0-4-3, allowing 17 league goals to be scored. The club is already eight points from seventh place. In a loaded Western conference, it does not bode well.

The conference is eventful, with Seattle, LAFC, and a rookie Galaxy leading the way. Seattle actually has seven points, but the team will be in the mix. The surprises so far are Austin who finished second and 4th FC Dallas.

It’s certainly worth asking what it would take to keep Almeida in his job. Although extreme fluctuations in results are not a hallmark of MFL, this approach helped him win the Liga MX League and the Concacaf Champions League with the Chivas. Liga MX seasons are shorter. The team just needs to peak in time to succeed. This used to work in MLS too, but the league got complicated.

Now the team is pinning its hopes on Covelo, who was promoted from Earthquakes II in the MLS NEXT Pro League and has experience training in Spain and Italy before joining Earthquakes in 2017. San Jose legend Chris Wondolowski is one of his lieutenants, along with MLS and USMNT veteran Steve Ralston. If the new approach focuses on what works in MLS rather than reinventing a tactical approach, there is plenty of experience.

It’s hard for any MLS team to try to draw on history, especially when it happened before the expansion era. San Jose was once the strongest team in the Western Conference. This team carried its form to Houston in 2006, winning two more MLS Cup titles.

The latest version of Quakes has attempted to rebuild around previous coaches and players, but that has had limited success. Almeida’s time was all about a different way of playing in MLS, the kind of style the league regularly loses in the Champions League. It might be easy to guess what they will become for the remainder of 2022. We’ve seen versions of this story run before in San Jose. As always, he is focused on defense.

Luis Bueno is a veteran soccer writer. Follow him on Twitter @BuenoSoccer.

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Photo by Maciek Gudrymowicz –




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