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For MetroWest entertainment venues, deep cleaning is the order of the day – News – MetroWest Daily News, Framingham, MA


When Belkin Family Lookout Farm in Natick discovered that a customer with a confirmed case of new coronavirus had visited his bathroom two weekends ago, it temporarily closed on Wednesday. It is not the only place in the area to be temporarily closed due to the virus, although others will burst Lysol wipes before canceling any event.

On February 29, a customer unknowingly carrying the new coronavirus (COVID-19) visited a bathroom in Natick for a drink. On Tuesday, when City Health Council informed staff that the owner of the suspected positive COVID-19 case had visited this facility – Belkin Family Lookout Farm – the building was closed for cleaning on Wednesday as a result of precaution.

Also on Tuesday, it was announced that the two children of this patron, both pupils of Natick High School, had tested positive for the virus.

Natick High students presumed positive for coronavirus after parents test positive

Although the farm was approved Tuesday to remain open by the board of health, the facility has temporarily closed for deep cleaning by a local cleaning company – to stay safe, said director of social media, Laura Neville.

"As a precaution, and for the comfort of our guests, the bathroom has voluntarily closed for a thorough professional cleaning," said the cider house and the bathroom in a statement released on Wednesday afternoon, which should reopen 17 hours. Thursday. The establishment is also:

No longer provide self-service displays with water, forks, knives, spoons, condiments, etc. Staff will provide sealed utensils with each order.
Cleaning and disinfection of tables, chairs and bar surfaces between each guest seat.
Cleaning and disinfection of areas very sensitive to touch throughout the day, in addition to deep night cleanings.

They also ask their guests to take extra precautions, including asking those who are sick to just stay at home.

Natick's Lookout Farm is far from the only place in the region to have removed additional Lysol wipes to prevent the spread of the new virus. On Wednesday, 95 people in Massachusetts were confirmed or suspected of having the coronavirus. Also on Wednesday, the World Health Organization classified the virus as a pandemic.

Event locations

For the staff at tac Downtown Arts + Music center in Framingham, they will work remotely for a while and cancel this weekend's shows, as well as its Jazz Jam and Show and figure drawing program this Tuesday said general manager Jannelle Codianni in a statement on Wednesday. She said their decision is in line with Governor Charlie Baker's declaration of a state of emergency and guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

"We believe that supporting social distancing and individual precaution is the best approach to protect members of our community from the spread of the virus," Codianni said in a statement. "We ask all of our customers to be equally vigilant and to take seriously the responsibility of staying at home if you are not feeling well or are taking care of a sick family member."

The facility will be thoroughly cleaned during site closure, but it is unknown how long it will remain closed, Codianni said. She said the center hopes to keep its programs running, but officials want to provide a safe gathering space to do so.

Those with tickets for canceled or postponed shows will be contacted by staff for free ticket exchanges, which will continue for the rest of the season, she said. However, as a small, not-for-profit arts organization, Codianni said cancellations and declining ticket sales will have "a huge impact" on its operations.

"I strongly encourage members of the community who find themselves less to devote much-needed funds to groups working for the community," she said.

Similar steps are also being taken by the Natick Center for the Arts. On Monday, the center announced that additional cleaning would take place before the facilities open and close, although no shows or programs have yet been canceled or rescheduled.

"We are running programs and events but with common sense protections," the center said in a statement on Monday, adding that its home page will be updated if the situation changes. Additional cleaning is in progress, which includes:

Increased disinfection of dealership counters, bathrooms and common areas
Make hand sanitizer available throughout the facility
Maintain an adequate supply of paper towels, soap and cleaning products

They also ask sick employees to stay home with their clients. For those who cannot attend a show due to illness or are afraid of contracting it, center members can exchange tickets for a future show without penalty. Those who are not members can contact the center ticket office at 508-647-0097, ext. 201 to discuss their options.

"In the meantime, we feel a responsibility to continue presenting the highest quality artistic programs that are available to everyone, in the healthiest and healthiest way possible," said the center.

Taprooms, bars and restaurants with live music

To staff at Central Tavern in Milford, a restaurant and bar with regular live music, owner Michael Aghajanian said, "We are taking common sense precautionary measures."

Staff disinfected the space more frequently and wiped the most used door handles and chairs, he said. They even hired a Milford-based cleaning company – Dynamic Janitorial Cleaning – to come every morning before the opening, as well as a new hand sanitizer near the door, said Aghajanian. They ask each incoming customer to use it.

The establishment has no plans to postpone or cancel any live music shows, and will continue its big St. Patrick's Day party next week from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. , did he declare.

The same goes for Owen O’Leary’s Restaurant and Brewpub in Southborough, bartender Travis Stickney said Wednesday afternoon. He said the bar regularly wipes his tables with a Lysol disinfectant spray and had not canceled or postponed any of his events.

Show cancellations have yet to affect Jasper Hill in Millis, said co-owner Denise Tracy. For six nights a week, the live music venue and the restaurant have not yet canceled or postponed any of their shows, although the act of a musician was recently replaced when he fell with a fever, said Tracy.

"Regarding Jasper Hill, we have always maintained high sanitation standards, so (we have) been particularly diligent in light of the coronavirus," said Tracy, who owns and operates the facility with her husband, John. She said they further sanitize all surfaces and placed hand sanitizer pumps throughout the restaurant, also asking sick workers to stay home. In the meantime, she said they stay calm and follow the viral updates, although an additional lotion may be helpful.

"All of our hands are chapped by the constant hand washing," she said.

Coronavirus reaches Massachusetts: here's what we know, the latest city-by-city updates
All Hopkinton schools and 2 Wayland schools closed on Wednesday due to coronavirus
Framingham schools will close on Thursday. 77 students and 18 adults requested quarantine after a parent of a student tested for a suspected coronavirus, COVID-19

Lauren Young writes on politics, social issues and covers the city of Franklin. Contact her at 315-766-6912 or [email protected]. Follow her on Twitter @laurenatmilford.

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