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Coronavirus News: Boris to Step Up Response to UK Coronavirus Meetings and Public Offices | United Kingdom | New



In the United Kingdom, at least 456 cases of coronavirus have now been confirmed, with eight deaths on British soil. Prime Minister is expected to chair a COBRA emergency meeting during which UK emergency plans to combat the virus will be discussed. Mr Johnson is expected to move on to the second phase of his action plan, The Delay, which will see attempts to slow the virus from its peak until the summer.

This is how the NHS, which, according to many experts, would fight under the weight of a pandemic, can fight the epidemic.

According to new government plans, public meetings could be interrupted to prevent person-to-person transmission.

In addition, offices could also be closed, with millions of people being asked to work from home.

Plans could also include asking the elderly to stay at home as much as possible.

The Whitehall meeting will take place at lunchtime and the next stage of the plan is expected to take effect shortly thereafter.

The ministers expressed their hope that an increase in liquidity for businesses would mean that they could keep people at home in isolation by offering them good levels of illness.

The decision comes after vocal fears that people would ignore the advice if it was likely to leave them substantially out of their pocket.

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It was later confirmed that a member of the Cabinet also made the decision to self-isolate following close contact with Ms. Dorries.

Before her diagnosis, Ms. Dorries attended a reception at number 10 for International Women's Day.

The coronavirus was considered a pandemic by the World Health Organization yesterday.

More than 4,000 people around the world are now confirmed dead as a result of the epidemic.

And nearly 120,000 people are now infected.

A total of 373 cases were announced in the UK yesterday at 9 a.m., however, the UK death toll from the virus has risen to eight, and the number of infections has also climbed to 456.

The victims have been described as elderly and with underlying health problems.

The budget included detailed plans for coronavirus control.

Rishi Sunak, the newly appointed chancellor, has announced £ 5 billion in funding for the NHS and social care.

And Matt Hancock added that the NHS would receive "everything it needs" to fight the virus.

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