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OU researchers are focusing on the treatment of metastatic cancer

OU researchers are focusing on the treatment of metastatic cancer


Dr. Wei R. Chen, a professor of biomedical engineering at the University of Oklahoma, is leading research focused on the treatment of metastases associated with pancreatic cancer. (Provided photo)

Norman-The metastases that occur when cancer cells spread beyond the original tumor and begin to invade other parts of the body are said to be the “worst enemy” of cancer patients.

At the University of Oklahoma, researchers are testing treatments for metastases focused on pancreatic cancer. We hope that it will lead to “one-two” punch treatments and may make great strides in care.

“It is cancer metastasis that kills about 90% of cancer patients,” said Dr. Wei R. Chen, Chairman of the OU’s Gallogly College of Engineering and Professor of Biomedical Engineering. “Pancreatic cancer is the worst of all because it metastasizes very quickly. At the time of diagnosis, 80% of patients have either locally advanced or distant metastases – where the cancer is in other parts of the body. The 5-year survival rate for patients with distant metastatic pancreatic cancer is only about 3%. “

A five-year study at the OU, funded by a grant of approximately $ 2.5 million from the National Cancer Institute, is Chen and Dr. Min Li, a professor of medicine, surgery, and cell biology at George Lynn Cross Research. And led by Virginia Kerley Cade. Donated chair in cancer treatment.

According to the release, the research group has developed a new method called topical resection immunotherapy. It is administered topically to the site of the tumor by the surgeon using laser ablation to destroy solid tumors and to stimulate, enhance, and direct the patient’s immune response to fight the cancer. It was developed by Chen’s group of immunostimulants. cell.

“It’s kind of like a one-two punch,” Chen said. “When a tumor is destroyed by excision, tumor antigens and other contents are released from the cancer cells. Our new drug combines these antigens to help stimulate immune cells and kill them. It kills not only those treated by ablation, but also tumor cells remaining at the treatment site and untreated metastatic tumor cells at distant sites. “

Researchers compare it to a type of cancer vaccine. It doesn’t prevent cancer, but it can help the body fight it better.

“Like vaccines against viral infections, they stimulate the immune system so that it knows how to fight it,” he said. “Our treatment is a trigger to stimulate, strengthen and guide the immune system. It tells us what to fight and how to fight tumors. It behaves like a vaccine.”

Chen said the study helps to better understand how the combination of topical laser ablation and immunostimulants can help treat many forms of metastatic cancer.

“The work we’ve done so far is preliminary, but it looks promising in preclinical and clinical trials,” he said. “Now we need to look at many different factors in this new treatment – ​​the dose, the amount of ablation needed to produce the correct effect, the amount of medication needed to use, and the effects on immunity. Systems and survival to better understand. Immunological studies provide a better understanding of how and why the immune system responds. “

Li, a leader in pancreatic cancer research, is working with Chen’s research team on all aspects of the study, including investigating and treating pancreatic tumors in mice and investigating immune responses.




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