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Why Men Need to Start Thinking About Their Skin

Why Men Need to Start Thinking About Their Skin
Why Men Need to Start Thinking About Their Skin


According to the Marie Keating Foundation, skin cancer is the most common cancer in Ireland, with more than 11,555 non-melanoma skin cancers and more than 1,194 melanomas diagnosed each year.

It can affect everyone, but the Foundation is more likely to kill men from skin cancer, affecting men of all ages, with an increasing proportion of both young and older men. It states that it is doing.

They also say that men are most likely to develop melanoma on the chest and back.

There’s more than one important factor here, but is it time to discuss men’s sunscreen more seriously?

Even with the dangerous melanoma removed from the photo, men using sunscreen are less likely to suffer painful burns and show signs of sunburn damage such as uneven skin tone and black spots.

Is the Gender Skin Care Gap Affecting?
Alex Doyle, founder of the men’s skin care and cosmetics brand Altr, said, “In all of these, gender norms are very important. Women are bound by beauty standards that are completely different from men. Men take care of women as much as they do. You don’t have to. Their skin.

“But the recent increase in use of Instagram, TikTok, and Zoom means that men are on display more than ever, raising their self-consciousness for their skin. [But] The whole concept of men’s skin care was laughed at about 20 years ago, and even moisturizing was considered feminine, “adds Doyle.

“This is now accepted as a standard practice among most men under the age of 40, and the market is rapidly evolving to catch up with the women’s market.”

How can men protect their skin?
When it comes to protecting the skin from sunburn damage, the same rules apply to men as women do. But even women don’t always find it. As experts advise, you should always consider protecting your skin, not just when it’s very sunny outdoors or when you’re on vacation in a hot country.

“Daily SPF protection is a must, regardless of season or region, which is universally agreed by all dermatologists,” says Life Jacket Skin, an SPF brand exclusively for men. Melanoma UK’s Diane Cannon says.

“Many women receive this protection in the form of make-up, foundation and SPF moisturizer.”

The good news is that the new world of skin care opens up to men who want to keep their skin healthy and in top condition, and make-up products that allow them to express themselves and hide their anxiety. Is to be.

If you know that men aren’t doing enough to protect their skin from harmful rays right now, what should men absolutely do?

“To make things easier, men should find their favorite SPF moisturizer and apply it every morning before going out. Ideally, with an SPF of 30 or higher, a good UVA rating. Long term. If you go out, you need sunscreen. All exposed skin, “says Canon.

It’s important to keep your sunscreen applied all day long, and don’t be afraid to ask someone to help you reach places you can’t reach. According to the Mayok Clinic, skin cancer is most likely to affect the sun’s reach of the skin, including the scalp, face, ears, neck, chest, arms, and hands. Remember that your feet can be another common cause, such as protecting your lips from sunburn. Also, if you have baldness or very short hair, you may want to put SPF on your head as well.

When do you see a doctor about skin problems?
This isn’t just about protecting your skin with the right sunscreens and products. It is also an early check for possible warning signs of skin cancer.

And keep in mind-whatever your skin tone or ethnicity, all this advice applies. It is important for everyone to protect their skin from damage. In addition, it can be difficult to find changes to dark skin tones, but it can still be there.

“Every 2-3 months, you need to check your skin for changing moles and blemishes. Size increase, shape change, new color, bleeding, pain, scabs, red around the edges Look for itching. Instead of prolonging skin problems, I checked things early and quickly, “says Cannon.

You may think you don’t have to worry, but why waste your doctor’s time? But we all need to be careful about our skin health. And if it’s cancer, or if experts think it’s possible to develop cancer in the future, classifying things early makes a really big difference.

As Canon emphasizes, “Don’t be afraid to waste your doctor’s time. They want you to talk to them.”

For more information on keeping you safe in the sun, See HSE guide..




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