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To date, more than 6,000 cases of dengue fever have been reported in 2022, exceeding the total number of cases in 2020.

To date, more than 6,000 cases of dengue fever have been reported in 2022, exceeding the total number of cases in 2020.
To date, more than 6,000 cases of dengue fever have been reported in 2022, exceeding the total number of cases in 2020.


Singapore — More than 6,000 cases of dengue have been reported so far, exceeding the total of 5,258 reported throughout 2020, the National Environment Agency (NEA) said Thursday (April 28).

Last week alone, 941 cases of dengue were reported — 208 more than last week, officials said in a press release.

This increase in weekly reported cases of dengue continues even before Singapore reaches the normal peak dengue season from June to October. According to NEA, most of the breeding activity of this mosquito was found at home.

As of Tuesday, 193 active dengue clusters have been reported, with the top five largest dengue clusters on Grove Ave, Woodlands Ave 9, Eng Kong Terrace, Champions Way and Borthwick Drive.

NEA said it had detected multiple mosquito breeding habitats at several facilities during recent tests, despite closing 394 of the 587 dengue clusters notified earlier this year.

Dengue clusters form when there are two or more cases within 14 days and within 150 m of each other. The cluster is closed when no active transmissions are detected.

“The terrible cases of these mosquito breeding carry out basic mosquito management checks that some facility owners and occupants still need, despite the current severe dengue situation in Singapore. It shows that there is no such thing. “

NEA added, “We will take strong enforcement measures against these recent vicious mosquito breeding incidents.”

Their statement also lists six vicious cases, one of which is a residential facility within the Borthwick Drive dengue cluster.

In March and April of this year, NEA officials who investigated the location found two decorative containers and a basin with more than 50 mosquito larvae each, a fountain with about 100 larvae, an unused fountain, and a number. I found an unused pond with over 100 larvae. each.

The other 13 facilities had mosquito breeding habitats, each with more than 100 larvae.

During another inspection on Globe Avenue in March, NEA personnel found a total of 100 mosquito larvae in household containers, flowerpot plates, and inspection rooms on the premises of the home.

NEA also discovered mosquito breeding in a puddle of condoms on Hogan Avenue 5 and in a parking lot in a commercial facility on Chongqing Nam Road during an inspection in April 2022.

It turns out that each has more than 100 mosquito larvae.

“For households with repeated mosquito breeding crimes and multiple mosquito breeding grounds, the offender may be fined up to S $ 5,000 or imprisoned for not more than 3 months on the first court conviction. You can face either or both, “says NEA.

Repeated offenders will be subject to heavier penalties or will be sent to court.

NEA said it would step up its testing and outreach efforts in April, in addition to the ongoing dengue testing across the island, and will continue for the next few months.

NEA urges all residents of the premises to remove the surrounding stagnant water and destroy the found mosquito breeding habitats in order to “help break the cycle of dengue transmission as soon as possible”. I did.

“Residents staying in the Dengue cluster area are strongly urged to work with NEA officers to facilitate their checks,” he added.




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