WFP Haiti Country Brief, March 2022 – Haiti

In March, WFP provided emergency assistance (food or cash) to 50,178 families (250,890 people) and distributed 6,165,210 and 134 metric tons across six provinces (Grand Anse and Nippes, North, South, Southeast and West). The World Food Program has achieved 80 percent of the overall achievement of the earthquake response, with more than US$5.5 million and 2,777 metric tons distributed as part of the earthquake response since August 14.
For the Adaptive Social Protection for Increased Resilience (ASPIRE) project, WFP has started the first registrations in three out of fourteen municipalities in Grand Anse County. Beneficiaries located in these three municipalities will begin receiving regular additional earthquake-specific cash transfers around mid-April through electronic money and envelope cash.
The school feeding program reached 244,483 pupils in March, including 91,388 children who were supported through home school feeding. A Systems Approach for Better Learning Outcomes (SABER) workshop was successfully held, with the participation of the Ministry of Education and other key stakeholders, to assess the current status of the national school feeding policy and partners, school feeding programmes. This exercise paves the way for an update of the current National School Feeding Policy published in 2016.
Rehabilitation of five school canteen units in five schools, three in Grand’Anse and two in the Southern Districts is expected to begin by the end of March and finish in May. The World Food Program is planning an assessment of 70 schools in the South District. School rehabilitation is essential for students to attend classes and make use of facilities such as school canteens and sanitation.
Cash distributions for the third and fourth cycles of the Food for Assets Program (20 working days) have been completed in the municipalities of Port Salute, Arnicet, Chantal, and Camp Perrin, Southern Province, to support 5,445 members of the crisis-affected communities. August 2021 earthquake. Similarly, cash distributions for the first and second cycles of the FFA program (40 working days) in the municipalities of Chardonnay, Roch-Bato and Koto, Southern Province, have been completed for 1,995 beneficiaries.
Ms. Guarnieri, Assistant Executive Director, visited Haiti on 23-26 March, with Ms. Park, Deputy Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean. The aim of the visit was to review the success factors that allow the country office to continue working along the link between human development and peace, in particular with regard to resilience, social protection and financial inclusion of women, amid a deteriorating political and security environment.
The Haiti Country Climate Risk Brief was recently published and gathers important information on how to better respond to shocks and anticipate the needs of local people in the face of current and future climate risks. This report provides an assessment of the future impact of climate change on food security and nutrition and on indicators of vulnerability.
In March, the United Nations Humanitarian Air Service carried 1,476 passengers and 13,243 kilograms of cargo for 206 flights.
Sources 2/ https://reliefweb.int/report/haiti/wfp-haiti-country-brief-march-2022 The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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