Deadly skin cancer can appear anywhere in the body, even when the sun isn’t shining
Melanoma is the most common and deadly form of skin cancer in the United States. There is a message to survivors who have been diagnosed twice about what dermatologists call melanoma on Monday.
Melanoma is the most common and deadly form of skin cancer in the United States.What dermatologists call Melanoma MondayThere is a message for survivors diagnosed twice.
“Anyone can get melanoma. Anyone can get skin cancer. Bob Marley died of melanoma,” said Liz Hazuka, 34, in Reston, Virginia. ..
Hazuka has fair skin, red hair and freckles. Her first melanoma attack occurred when she was 25 years old. It was discovered during a routine examination at a dermatologist’s clinic.
“Fortunately, I found it early,” she said. “My first one was a bit invasive. It was stage 1A. Fortunately, I needed extensive local resection. I just had surgery. So I have a scar of about 4 inches on my right calf. . “
Hazuka’s second melanoma was discovered even earlier. She said her experience of having to reduce her cancer changed her life.
“I wouldn’t go under the sun without sunscreen and long sleeves. I really avoid the peak sun at noon. My beach days that go there all day are behind me,” she says. I did.
Hazuka said she became passionate about keeping up with her diagnosis of melanoma, changed her career path, and is now studying to be a doctor’s assistant.
“It’s been a year and a half, and I hope to work in dermatology someday,” she said.
Mr Hazuka said he was worried about people who could be at risk unnecessarily.
“I think it’s especially for young women. There is pressure to take a specific view, get a tan, go into a tan booth, or lay out in the sun all day long, but that’s the risk of skin cancer. Not only does it increase skin aging much faster, “she said.
Exposure to UV light can cause all forms of skin cancer. However, there are certain types of cancer that are related to genetics and family history.
Hazuka’s stage 1A cancer was on the back of the calf, but DC dermatologists said skin cancer could appear anywhere in the body.
“This may include the palms and soles of the feet, even where the sun isn’t shining literally in the groin or buttocks,” he said. Dr. Adam FriedmanProfessor of Medicine and Health Sciences, George Washington University and Chairman of the Department of Dermatology.
Very rarely, melanoma can also appear under the bed of fingernails, Friedman said. Melanoma that killed reggae icon Bob Marley Initially appeared as black spots under the toenails.
“This can look like a long, growing black streak that can change over time,” Friedman said. “There is some evidence that exposure to UV light on a manicureist can actually increase the risk of this type of skin cancer.”
Both Friedman and Hazuka emphasize the importance of regular professional skin checks and are familiar with the changes that occur in your body.
“I tell all patients to check themselves at least once a month or every other month. Look for new growth, spots, or spots that change over time“Friedman said. “The evolution over time really shows that something may be off and needs to be checked out by a board-certified dermatologist.”
Some of the changes may be the size or shape of the spot. Borders can change from what was really well blocked to something dirty. The color change may be fading to make it more noticeable or lighter. Everything shows that something is wrong.
“Waiting doesn’t eliminate it,” Hazuka said.
According to Friedman, melanoma dies almost every hour in the United States, but if detected early, excision alone can provide a 95% cure.
“So the most important thing is to catch it early,” Friedman emphasized. “Early detection saves lives.”
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