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Better vaccines come into view — for the next pandemic

Better vaccines come into view — for the next pandemic


However, data from large clinical trials suggest that this technique needs to be considered for the next trial. There may be many other uses.

In a study enrolling more than 16,000 people, Arcturus’s “self-amplifying” mRNA vaccine provided 95% protection against severe illness and death and was approximately 55% effective in preventing symptomatic Covid. This final result may sound low, but it’s pretty much the same. Current Efficacy of Pfizer and Moderna Shots These vaccines initially appeared to be more effective as they were tested against the original low-contagious virus strain.

Arcturus inventory fell by 20% due to data disclosure. This may be due to the lack of immediate penetration of the US vaccine market without new trials containing excellent data on the value of vaccines as boosters to Covid-19.

However, Arcturus is wise to improve next-generation technologies that promise vaccines that can be manufactured and distributed faster than existing mRNA shots.

Similar to the Moderna and Pfizer mRNA vaccines, Arcturus saRNA shots contain the genetic code for the coronavirus spike protein. It tricks human cells into creating so that the immune system can learn to dodge viruses. However, saRNA also contains the code for the viral replication mechanism, an enzyme that can make a copy of that code. This means that as the cells unleash the peplomer, they are supplied with a copy of the recipe to make it further.

This self-amplifying (some companies call it “self-replicating”) quality has several important advantages. The dose of saRNA vaccine is much lower than that required for mRNA vaccine. The Moderna and Pfizer mRNA shots are 100 micrograms and 30 micrograms, respectively. Arcturus shots, on the other hand, weigh only 5 micrograms. In emergencies, significantly lower doses, such as future coronavirus and influenza pandemics, will enable more people to be vaccinated faster, ideally at lower cost. .. -Because it’s dry, it’s easier to ship around the world than Pfizer or Moderna, which currently need to be stored at sub-zero temperatures.

In addition, these vaccines adhere longer to the body than traditional mRNA vaccines, exposing the immune system to antigens for extended periods of time. Those extra days of target practice should lead to a longer lasting, broader immunological memory response. In theory, it could lead to more time between boosters, says Deborah Fuller, a professor at the University of Washington School of Medicine.

But that’s just a theory so far. Efficacy data from the Arcturus study conducted in Vietnam will be extended to just two months after vaccination. Not enough time to observe the vaccine memory cell response. Ongoing booster trials should give a better idea of ​​the term of protection, says Arcturus.

This vaccine also has its drawbacks. The RNA strand required to encode both the protein and the replication mechanism is about 3 times longer than the strand of the mRNA vaccine. It is not easy to properly connect 15,000 bases and then push the large ball of yarn into the lipid nanoparticles.

However, the Arcturus results show that it is feasible. The saRNA vaccine developed for Covid has been described by industry insiders as a bit rough and ready. Players testing technology in a pandemic have not previously focused on self-amplification technology. For example, Arcturus’ expertise was in packaging different types of RNA into lipid nanoparticles. Delivery is an important factor in its success, but it suggests that the ability of biotechnology to scale up vaccines may not be as difficult as many thought.

Arcturus data suggest that the technique can extend to many other viruses, says Robin Chatock, head of mucosal infections and immunity at Imperial College London. Also, the low doses available may provide a better way to combine vaccines against different viruses into a single shot.

Even more exciting is the prospect of the day when mRNA will be used as a drug.

Ten years ago, when Moderna was created as an mRNA biotechnology, it was touting the potential of mRNA therapeutics rather than vaccines. The goal was to use mRNA to turn human cells into drug factories, allowing them to mass-produce deficient and beneficial proteins. Vaccines do this for a day or two — just long enough to hang viral proteins in front of the immune system. However, mRNA drug therapy needs to settle longer and produce more protein. So far, it has been much harder to achieve.

Making powerful and long-lasting medicines may be easier with saRNAs than with traditional mRNA techniques. Last year, several biotechnology companies, including Strand Therapeutics and Replicate Bioscience, raised significant investment from venture capital and pharmaceutical companies to push saRNA-based drugs into the clinic. It seems that major pharmaceutical companies are also evaluating this technology. Imperial College’s Chatok has founded Vax Equity, a biotechnology working with AstraZeneca to treat saRNAs for a variety of diseases.

Data on the first saRNA therapy are not expected for more than a year.

Of course, saRNA is not the only technology prepared for future pandemics. But it’s encouraging to see how powerful it is and the potential for fighting everyday illnesses.

This column does not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial board or Bloomberg LP and its owners.

Lisa Jarvis, a former executive editor of Chemical & Engineering News, writes about Bloomberg Opinion’s biotechnology, drug discovery, and pharmaceutical industries.

This story is published from the news agency feed without changing the text.

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