Boris Johnson to Announce Latest Coronavirus Control Plans
BORIS Johnson should accept that the coronavirus epidemic can no longer be contained in the United Kingdom, marking the start of the next phase of the battle against Covid-19.
On Thursday, the Prime Minister will chair a Cobra lunchtime meeting, during which ministers are expected to agree to "delay" the process.
Extending the deadline would mean putting in place social distancing measures, such as restricting public gatherings and providing more widespread advice on staying at home.
It came as the Prime Minister of the Republic of Ireland, Leo Varadkar, announced that all schools, colleges and daycare centers in Ireland would close until March 29 as a precautionary measure against Covid-19.
UK Chief Medical Officers of Health and representatives from the General Medical Council and NHS England have written to doctors telling them that they may need to work outside of their usual area of expertise and in unknown circumstances "for the benefit of patients and the population at large" at the height of an epidemic.
The letter stated that part of a professional response was a "rational approach to varying practice in an emergency", and general practitioners' offices, hospitals, trusts and boards of health should ensure that clinicians are supported for this purpose.
"They should keep in mind that clinicians may need to deviate, perhaps significantly, from the established procedure in order to care for patients in very difficult but time-limited circumstances of the peak of an epidemic, "says the letter.
Here, the PA news agency takes a closer look at the delay phase:
– What is the "delay phase"?
The delay phase will see a mix of the same advice given, such as encouraging handwashing regularly, while introducing social restriction measures to slow the spread of the virus.
In general, (banning) this kind of events and large gatherings are not considered to be something that is going to have a big effect
Dr. Jenny Harries, Deputy Chief Medical Officer of Health
The government has confirmed that it will be guided by experts on the most effective measures to delay the virus.
– How will this help cope with the epidemic?
The end goal of the delay phase is to slow the rate of coronavirus contraction and allow the NHS to relieve the annual winter pressure it faces.
It would also provide a buffer to allow the development of a possible vaccine, although it will not be used for at least a year.
The government planning document explains: "The benefits are that if the peak of the epidemic can be delayed until the warmer months, we can significantly reduce the risk of overlapping with seasonal flu and 39; other challenges, societal or medical, that the colder months bring.
– What do they mean by social restrictions?
According to the government's action plan, the proposed restrictions would have "social costs".
This would include encouraging employees to work from home as much as possible and even shutting down schools and canceling events where masses of people congregate.
"Some of them will have social costs, the benefit of delaying the peak will have to be taken into account in relation to the social impact," said the government's action plan.
– Is it the same as what is happening in Italy and China?
The severity of the interventions differed from country to country.
China and Italy have put in place large-scale locks, with lawsuits and fines threatened for those who break the imposed curfews.
Wuhan, the Chinese city of 11 million people, which was at the epicenter of the initial epidemic, has temporarily closed its public transport network.
And in countries like France and Spain, large public gatherings have been banned in an effort to prevent widespread contamination.
– Are sporting events at risk?
Football matches in European countries, including the Paris Saint-Germain Champions League match against Borussia Dortmund on Wednesday, were held behind closed doors due to the ban on gatherings of 1000 or more people .
But there is some doubt as to whether the UK would follow suit after the chief medical officer of health suggested that scientific research did not support the decision to ban public events.
Dr. Jenny Harries, in a video chat with the Prime Minister on Wednesday, said: "In general, these kinds of events and large gatherings are not seen as something that is going to have a big effect, so we don't don't want to disrupt people's lives. "
– Why doesn't the UK do the same thing as Italy?
Mr Johnson suggested that the decisions had been taken because "politicians and governments around the world are under a lot of pressure to be seen acting, so that they can do things that are not necessarily dictated by the science".
– Why did it take so long to go from the confinement phase to the deadline?
Ministers have repeatedly said that implementing social repression too soon may be counterproductive as the public may tire of the restrictions, but it seems that the Prime Minister and his advisers think the time is right come to step up preparations for delay.
Current advice, including washing your hands and catching coughs and sneezing with tissue before putting it away, will continue during the delay period, as will trying to find and isolate early coronavirus cases .
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