Boris Johnson to Announce New Phase in Coronavirus Control
BORIS Johnson should accept today that the coronavirus epidemic can no longer be contained in the United Kingdom, marking the start of the next phase of the battle against Covid-19.
The Prime Minister will chair a Cobra lunch meeting during which ministers are expected to agree to the "delay" stage of the process.
Extending the deadline would mean putting in place social distancing measures, such as restricting public gatherings and providing more widespread advice on staying at home.
The expected change in UK policy came as Donald Trump significantly stepped up the U.S. response to the coronavirus pandemic, banning travel to mainland Europe.
The suspension of travel between the United States and Europe – excluding the United Kingdom and Ireland – will last 30 days from Friday.
Mr. Trump made the announcement in a speech from the Oval Office to the nation, accusing the European Union of not having acted quickly enough to fight the epidemic of the virus and saying that the US clusters have been " sown ”by European travelers.
Chancellor Rishi Sunak downplayed the prospect of the UK imposing similar travel restrictions, but acknowledged that the American move could have a ripple effect on the British economy.
He told BBC Radio 4 Today: "When it comes to flight bans, we are always guided by science when we make our decisions here, and the advice we get is that ; there is no evidence that interventions such as border closings or travel bans are going to have a material effect on the spread of the infection. "
Today's Cobra meeting comes after eight people with Covid-19 were confirmed dead in the UK, when the total number of positive cases increased to 460.
The press will respond to the Prime Minister's announcement later today.
Meanwhile, a cabinet minister, who was not appointed, self-isolated while awaiting a test result after contacting Minister of Health Nadine Dorries.
A source confirmed that his colleague Health Minister Edward Argar also self-isolated at home "as a precaution" after having lunch with Mrs. Dorries on Thursday, the day she began to feel ill.
In other developments:
– The annual St Patrick's Day reception at the White House has been canceled, although the Taoiseach Leo Varadkar was yet to meet with Mr. Trump
– The FTSE 100 index of the main companies listed in London fell by more than 5% at the start of the session following the declaration of a pandemic by the World Health Organization
– Hollywood star Tom Hanks announced that he and his wife Rita Wilson have been diagnosed with coronavirus
What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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