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Everything you need to know to fight sunburn, premature aging and skin cancer this summer

Everything you need to know to fight sunburn, premature aging and skin cancer this summer


Sunburn is the most immediate and annoying evidence of spending too much time unprotected in the sun, but what is often not immediately seen is accelerated skin aging and associated skin cancer. Is the risk.

“Unfortunately, the incidence of skin cancer is still rising and we are doing everything we can to minimize it. The use of sunscreen is one factor,” he said. Dr. Darrell RiguelClinical professor of dermatology at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City.

Your guide will be in time for the warmer months, as many people spend more time outside, but sunscreen, such as when it’s cool or cloudy, when you’re sitting by the window, when you’re skiing, or when you’re on the beach. Is important. Said the dermatologist.

According to dermatologists, sunscreen should be applied regularly when exposed to the sun, regardless of the weather.
“Obviously, we are exposed to more sun during the summer, but apart from the fact that UV rays can accelerate skin aging, we are always aware of the fact that it is a well-established and well-known carcinogen. You have to do it. ” Dr. Adam FriedmanProfessor and Chairman of the Department of Dermatology, George Washington School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Who needs it

Easy answer: Everyone.

Longer Answer: Darker skin provides more protection against the sun, but that doesn’t mean it’s completely immune to sun damage, experts said.

Colored races have a lower risk of melanoma than whites, but they still face the risk, Rigel said, according to US data.

Physicians see cases of advanced cancer as a result of delayed screening and treatment of pandemics

Also, if you look at the image of the tan, you may see a bright red mark of this condition on light skin, which is related to the lack of expression, Friedman said. Sunburn can appear on all skin types (in many colors) and can cause premature aging for everyone.

The problem is that the expression of sun protection is also limited. Even with light skin, sunscreens are often thick, heavy, and too white. For those with color, that’s even more problematic.

“Not one product is right for everyone,” Friedman said. “It’s not always easy to find something that fits your skin well.”

Fortunately, some mineral-based sunscreens have lines that are colored to match your skin color, but Friedman says skin color for regular use. He said it was important to find and find a sunscreen that was comfortable to the touch. Some mineral-based sunscreens will also be transparent.

“The best sunscreen is a sunscreen that you use over and over again,” he said.

How to apply

It states that one application should use about 1 ounce (or a glass of) sunscreen. Carla BurnsSenior Director of Cosmetic Science, EWG.

“It’s a good idea to choose a lotion (over) stick product. It’s much easier to get a good enough uniform protective layer,” she added.

According to Riguel, there are two types of sunscreen, one for daily use and one for those who plan to spend a lot of time outdoors.

Friedman recommended finding a product in everyday wear that also acts as a moisturizer or SPF make-up to make sunscreen a part of everyday life.

If you spend the day in the sun, remember that Burns reapply sunscreen every two hours (or after playing with water) to maintain the proper level of protection. said.

Dermatologists say that after spending time outdoors or in the water, you need to reapply sunscreen every two hours.  On August 14, 2021, people going to the beach at Carla Majorca in Palma de Mallorca, Spain will be cool.

In either case, sunscreen should go wherever the skin is exposed to the sun. That can mean a part of the face, hands, ears, or hair. Also, make sure you have SPF protection as the surface around your lips and eyes is thin and susceptible to sun damage.

SPF to look for

“We need at least SPF35, which is a minimum,” Rigel said.

But is there an upper limit? Well, that’s where the experts differ in their advice.

The EWG recommended for sunscreens with very high SPF and said it could mislead people into being able to stay in the sun for extended periods of time without reapplying.

No, if you’re using SPF 100, you won’t be able to stay longer, Rigel agreed. However, he often said that he recommends that his patients choose a higher number as a safety net.

What to look for in the label

There is no such thing as a waterproof sunscreen, so Riguel told me to look for a water resistant product instead.

And when it comes to fighting premature aging and skin cancer, not just sunburn, it’s important to make sure that sunscreen covers a wide range of UVA / UVB, Friedman said.

EWG recommends mineral-based sunscreens. According to Burns, the ingredients to look for in finding these products are zinc oxide and titanium dioxide.

Are there any ingredients to avoid?

Your sunscreen can be harmful to the environment — here's why you need to switch to a mineral-based one
Some non-mineral sunscreens use an ingredient called oxybenzone. Harm to marine life..

In some countries and regions, environmental concerns have banned the sale of products containing oxybenzone in the last few years, Burns said.

Reinforcing material to add

Sunscreen is a useful tool to protect against sun damage and skin cancer, but it’s not the only tool.

If possible, it may be helpful to wear a hat and clothes to avoid peak sun hours (10 am-4pm) and stay in the shade. Emily SpillmanA science analyst on the EWG’s Healthy Living Team.




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