How to treat symptoms, causes and illnesses
UK confirmed First case of monkeypox, A virus transmitted to humans from infected animals such as rodents. The virus was discovered by a person who recently traveled to Nigeria.
The patient is currently being treated in an isolation unit at St. Thomas Hospital in London.
What is monkeypox?
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), this is a rare disease caused by infection with the monkeypox virus.Monkeypox virus Orthopox virus Family genus Poxvirus family,It said further.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), zoonotic diseases occur primarily in the rainforest regions of Central and West Africa and may be exported to other regions.
Symptoms of illness
Common symptoms associated with monkeypox are fever, rash, severe headache, low back pain, myalgia (myalgia), severe asthenia (lack of energy), and swollen lymph nodes.
According to WHO, skin rashes have also been reported in monkeypox patients, which begin within 1-3 days of the onset of fever. The rash tends to concentrate on the face. Apart from the face, it affects the palms and soles of the feet, the oral mucosa, the genitals and conjunctiva, and the cornea, the World Health Organization further said.
The incubation period of monkeypox (the interval between infection and onset of symptoms) is usually 6 to 13 days, but can range from 5 to 21 days according to WHO.
How does the disease spread to humans?
The UK Health and Security Agency (UKHSA) has stated that monkeypox is a rare viral infection and does not spread easily among people. According to the CDC, the disease was discovered in 1958, and two Pox-like diseases occurred in monkey colonies raised for research, naming the disease.
The first case of human infection was reported in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) in 1970, more than 50 years ago. According to WHO, infection can result from direct contact with lesions in the blood, body fluids, skin or mucous membranes of infected animals.
The natural reservoir of monkeypox has not yet been identified, but further states that rodents are most likely, eating improperly cooked meat and other animal products of infected animals is a risk factor. I added that there is a possibility of.
How can monkeypox be treated?
According to WHO, there is currently no recommended treatment for monkeypox. Vaccination against smallpox has been found to be about 85 percent more effective in preventing illness. Therefore, smallpox vaccination in childhood is recommended to prevent the serious symptoms of monkeypox.
Natural host of monkeypox virus
Apart from rodents, rope squirrels, tree squirrels, dormouses, primates and other species are also known to carry the virus.
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