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Covid patients show some symptoms for at least 2 years: Lancet study

Covid patients show some symptoms for at least 2 years: Lancet study
Covid patients show some symptoms for at least 2 years: Lancet study


At least half of the people admitted to the hospital for Covid-19 suffer from one or more symptoms two years after infection, according to a study published at The Lancet Respiratory Medicine on Tuesday. It’s done until the date.

At least half of people hospitalized, according to a new study published in The Lancet Respiratory Medicine on Tuesday COVID-19 Suffering from one or more symptoms after infection. This is the longest such study ever.

Increasing evidence shows that a significant proportion of people recovering from COVID-19 have long-term effects on multiple organs and systems.

According to a lancet study, survivors of COVID-19 were significantly lower in health than the general population two years later. The findings show that there is an urgent need to investigate the etiology of long COVID and develop effective interventions to reduce the risk of long COVID.

This study was led by a doctor at the Japan-China Friendship Hospital in Beijing.

“Our findings show that for a certain percentage of Covid-19 survivors hospitalized, they may have cleared the initial infection, but it takes more than two years to fully recover. Continued follow-up of Covid-19 survivors, especially those with long Covid symptoms, to understand the longer course of the disease, as well as further investigation of the benefits of rehabilitation programs for recovery. It’s essential, “said Professor Bin Cao of China. -In the statement, China’s Japan Friendship Hospital, and the lead author of the study.

“Provide ongoing support to a significant proportion of people who have been infected with Covid-19 and understand how vaccines, new therapies, and variants affect long-term health outcomes. It’s clear that we need to, “scientists added.

Although physical and mental health generally improved over time, researchers found that Covid-19 patients tended to have lower health and quality of life than the general population. Persistent symptoms usually included one or more of fatigue, shortness of breath, and sleep disorders.

The authors analyzed the long-term health outcomes of hospitalized Covid-19 survivors and the specific health effects of Long Covid.

Scientists tracked 1,192 people admitted to Covid at the Gold and Silver Swallow Hospital in Wuhan in early 2020 and checked in six, twelve, and two years after the onset of symptoms.

The median age of participants was 57, with more than half being male. This study evaluated the ability to walk for 6 minutes, conducted lab tests, and answered questionnaires on symptoms, mental health, and quality of life. Others checked their respiratory function and received a chest image on each visit.

The results suggest that time has been saved to some extent. Six months later, 68% of study participants reported at least one symptom of long Covid. By two years, the report had dropped to 55%. Scientists wrote that they intend to continue to follow up patients once a year.

“The negative impacts on quality of life, athletic performance, and the use of health care underscore the importance of studying the etiology of Long Covid and facilitating the search for targeted therapies to manage or alleviate the condition.” They are writing.

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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