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How Coffee Affects Cholesterol in Men and Women

How Coffee Affects Cholesterol in Men and Women
How Coffee Affects Cholesterol in Men and Women


Pour hot water into the filter with coffeeShare on Pinterest
Filtered coffee affects cholesterol levels differently than other types of coffee. ChaoShu Li / Stocksy United ChaoShu Li / Stocksy United
  • Different types of coffee have different effects on cholesterol levels in men and women.
  • Researchers report that espresso drinks showed the greatest difference in efficacy between genders.
  • They also said that filtered coffee raised cholesterol levels in women, but not in men.

The gender and brewing method of the drinker can be the key to the relationship between elevated cholesterol levels and coffee. New research It was published in the open access journal OpenHeart.

Researchers reported that espresso drinks showed the widest difference in cholesterol levels between genders. Coffee made in the plunger (cafetière) showed the narrowest difference between genders.

Researchers from UiT Norwegian Arctic University 13,889 participants (7,167 women and 6,722 men) responded in 2015 and 2016 to the 7th survey of the Tromsø survey, a long-term census that began in 1974 for residents of the Norwegian city of Tromso. ) Data was investigated.

Scientists asked participants how many cups of coffee they drank each day. They also asked what kind of brew they drank. Plunger (cafetière); espresso from coffee machines, pods, mocha pots, instants.

Subjects were over 40 years old with an average age of 56 years.

Blood samples were collected to collect physical information such as height and weight, diet and lifestyle, whether participants smoked, alcohol consumption, and physical activity. We also recorded the participants’ achievement of education level and whether they were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

Women drank an average of just under four cups of coffee per day, while men drank nearly five cups on average.

Data analysis showed a link between coffee and serum total cholesterol, which varies with the way coffee is made. “Significant” gender differences were found for all brewing types, except coffee made with bar plungers.

“Coffee is the most frequently consumed central nervous system stimulant in the world,” the study author writes. “Because of the high consumption of coffee, even a small health impact can have a significant health impact.”

Researchers have pointed out that naturally occurring chemicals in coffee, such as diterpenes, cafestol, and kahweol, raise blood cholesterol levels.

The brewing method is important, but it is not clear how espresso coffee can affect and how much.

Taking 3-5 glasses of espresso per day was significantly associated with an increase in serum total cholesterol, especially among men.

Its consumption pattern was associated with serum cholesterol, which was 0.16 mmol / liter (mmol / liter) higher in men, compared to 0.09 mmol / liter in women, compared to those who drank nothing.

More than 6 cups of plunger coffee per day were also associated with elevated cholesterol in both men and women. It is 0.30 mmol / l higher in women and 0.23 mmol / l higher in men.

Six or more cups of filtered coffee daily were associated with 0.11 mmol / l higher cholesterol among women when compared to those who did not drink filtered coffee, but not among men. It was.

Instant coffee did not increase in tandem with the number of cups drank, but was associated with increased cholesterol in both genders compared to those who did not drank instant coffee.

“Coffee beans contain an oily substance called diterpenes, especially cafestol and kahweol, which can increase LDL cholesterol levels.” Michelle LutensteinA Cardiac Nutritionist at told Healthline.

“If the coffee beans are not filtered, these diterpenes can be up to 30 times more than the filtered brews, and unfiltered brews like espresso carry LDL levels and the risk of cardiovascular disease. I will increase it, “she explained. “It is also important to note that caffeinated coffee is a stimulant that raises blood pressure levels and can cause palpitations such as atrial fibrillation in some people.”

“Some individuals may also suffer from gastric inflammation, jitter, and insomnia, so the recommended amount should take into account history, medication, and individual symptoms for optimal health. There is, “Routhenstein said.

The study authors pointed out that there was no standardized cup size used in their study.

“Norwegians are accustomed to large cups of filtered coffee, and this practice can lead to large cups of espresso as well,” he wrote.

They also acknowledged that different types of espresso, such as coffee machines, capsules, and mocha pots, may contain different levels of major natural chemicals.

They also stated that there was no clear explanation for the gender mismatch in the cholesterol response to drinking coffee.

Dr. Rigveda V. TadwalkerA cardiologist at the Providence St. John’s Health Center in California said the findings may have other reasons.

“This study was a population-based cross-sectional study, which means there is a lot of variability in the data collected,” he told Healthline. “There are several possible reasons why men had a stronger association between espresso consumption and total cholesterol.”

“Men may be drinking a lot,” Tadwalkar added. “The size of the serving / cup can also be larger for men, and it can also be due to the different types of brewing methods that predominate in one gender and the other.”

The authors of the study pointed out that the chemical composition of different types of coffee may also be important.

“Interestingly, coffee contains over a thousand diverse phytochemicals,” they write. “The intake of each compound also depends on the type of coffee, the degree of roasting, the type of brewing method, and the amount of one serving.”

Researchers also show that “ studies not only increase total cholesterol, but also have anti-inflammatory effects, protect the liver, and reduce the risk of cancer and diabetes. I will. “

Tadwalkar said it is important to keep in mind the health benefits of coffee.

“It’s scary to realize that coffee can raise cholesterol, but moderate coffee consumption Related The risk of cardiovascular disease is low, “said Tadwalker. “The data on this are strong and are now incorporated into guidelines for the prevention of cardiovascular disease. Many biologically active compounds in coffee beans improve metabolism and insulin sensitivity, with inflammation and By reducing oxidative stress, it is felt to be responsible for these beneficial effects. ”




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