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The main building of Hutt Hospital is earthquake-prone, and services will be moved

The main building of Hutt Hospital is earthquake-prone, and services will be moved


Hiritunga block. The attached photo

The main building at Hutt Hospital, Heretaunga Block, is earthquake-prone.

Veonagh Dogan, chief executive of the Capital Region Health Boards & Coast, said the Hot Valleys have a few years to get the building back to acceptable levels, but the work will disrupt patient care.

“Instead, we will look at how to move patients and services out of the building as well as examine alternative arrangements that might work in our communities.”

Campbell Barry, mayor of Haute, said the Hiritonga building houses 79 percent of the hospital’s beds, and makes up 25 percent of the area’s total hospital bed capacity.

Barry said he was shocked that the decision to gradually close the building was not matched by a full commitment to the future of Hutt Hospital.

“Once the family, specialist services, and staff leave Hutt elsewhere, I am deeply concerned that they may never return. Today may represent the long-term removal of Hutt Valley’s specialist health services.”

Barry said he wants the government to commit to rebuilding the entire hospital site.

“Hutt has a deep and proud relationship with our hospital and the vital health services it provides to our people. We will fight with our feet to ensure the future of Hutt Hospital.”

Services in the hospital will be moved to another location. Image / 123RF

The eight-storey building houses services including general surgery, gynecology, an orthopedic ward, maternity services and a pediatric ward.

Hot South MP Jenny Andersen said the situation would come as a shock to people, as it did with her.

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“But it is really important for people to know that there is absolutely no plan to reduce the level of hospital care provided in Hutt Valley and that the issues identified today at the Heretaunga Block in no way have changed that.”

Andersen said she wanted to know as soon as possible if a complete rebuild or repair was needed.

Andersen said the government committed to keeping hospital services in the Hat Valley that were at least as good, if not better.

National List Representative Chris Bishop said it’s important for Hutt to continue to have a well-resourced, functional hospital.

Bishop said there was a “media vacuum” this afternoon and he wanted to know more about the condition of the building and what was needed to get it coded.

Very concerned to learn that the earthquake assessment at Hutt Hospital found that the Heretaunga Block required extensive remedial work to bring it to acceptable levels. I am 100% committed to making sure that the people of Hutt have a safe and fully functional hospital in Hutt.

— Jenny Andersen (@ginnyandersen) May 17, 2022

Earthquake hazards were found as part of a broader assessment of DHB facilities.

Dogan said there were problems with columns, beams, precast facade panel connections, and some stairs.

Anything less than 34 percent of the new building standard is considered earthquake prone. NBD did not disclose the building’s rating, but confirmed it was less than 34 percent.

A draft detailed seismic assessment was completed on 8 March and since then DHB has been working closely with engineers to understand the situation.

Peer review has also been commissioned.

Duggan said some board members were aware of the situation in April through their other duties on the committee, but some may have only learned about it when a report was presented at Friday’s meeting.

The National Bank of Dubai has created an “integrated governance model” to assess options and come up with a plan to transition services while ensuring continuity and access to healthcare.

In the meantime, she added, services from the Hiritonga complex will continue to be provided and people can continue to receive health care at Hot Hospital as they normally do.

“We work closely with experts and follow all advice – part of which is that the risk to people is low. This means we can continue to make use of the building for healthcare services while we consider all options and plan our exit from the building.”

Duggan said the future of the Heretaunga building and site will be determined in the broader context of Health New Zealand’s role to manage nationwide services and infrastructure planning.

Health New Zealand was created to replace DHBs and operate the system instead.




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