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Recent Increases in the Number of RNA Vaccines Tested in Humans – Speaking of Research

Recent Increases in the Number of RNA Vaccines Tested in Humans – Speaking of Research


After decades of heavy government and social investment in genetic research, we are now on the verge of a genetic revolution that completely surpasses the current digital revolution. If you don’t believe me, think about how mRNA vaccine technology has led to the production and clinical trials of new viral vaccines in a few months. That same year, Dr. Jennifer Doudna was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for CRISPR-Cas9 technology for editing DNA.And this year Finished the complete sequence of the human genome.. Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Elon Musk of this next revolution will probably be geneticists. bad..

When DNA and mRNA were first discovered in the late 1800s, you couldn’t imagine what technologies would be possible today. Ten years ago, I knew that mRNA vaccine technology had great potential, but thanks to animal research, I had just begun testing to fight human cancer rather than viruses ().See my previous article on the history of mRNA vaccines). The COVID-19 pandemic is a humanitarian crisis, with catastrophic loss of life, Continues to devastate our worldSince then, the number of mRNA therapies currently being performed in human trials has increased (see graph below). It is not yet known whether these clinical trials will lead to the cure of cancer, genetic diseases, or the fight against seemingly intolerable viruses such as HIV and deer, but especially considering the effectiveness of mRNA vaccines against COVID-19. And we may be closer than we think.

Most notably from this graph, a large number of mRNA therapies for cancer have been tested since 2002, with all mRNA therapies growing almost exponentially over the past few years. In particular, none of the treatments in the graph above target COVID-19.I specifically I created a database and excluded it from this graph and discussion.


The type of mRNA therapy for fighting cancer has changed since the first clinical trial I found dating back to 2002. Initially, dendritic vaccines were primarily used to target melanoma. Dendritic cells are white blood cells that help the immune response to pathogens and the removal of dead cells. They work by presenting tags (or antigens) that help other cells (such as T cells) identify cancer cells for destruction. Steps in mRNA technology.

Source: National Cancer Institute

There are two ways to use mRNA technology for dendritic vaccines. One is to pulse cells with mRNA from a tumor, and the other is to insert special mRNA into dendritic cells to create the special tags needed to identify cancer cells. Sounds complicated. However, this was already understood using cell-based studies in dishes in combination with animal studies in mice. In these studies from the 90’s, Scientists have extracted dendritic cells from mice by collecting bone marrow — this is where the dendritic cells are made in the body. They then exposed these dendritic cells to the mRNA of the tumor by either pulsing them with the mRNA (ie, putting it together in solution) or inserting the mRNA into the dendritic cells. This mRNA was then used to generate small pieces of protein presented on the outer membrane of the cell. Protein presentation causes other immune system cells to secrete substances to lyse (decompose) them, and then “tagged” the cells to “consume” (phagocytosis) the debris. .. The tumor was then injected into mice with modified dendritic cells. In all cases, the tumor was suppressed and about 80% of the mice were tumor-free. There is no more cancer.

Now, in the age of genes, we have taken this technique one step further with personalized cancer vaccines, or PCV.. Here, scientists sequence the tumor’s genome and identify about 20 tags that appear to elicit a strong immune response. Next, create an mRNA molecule. When injected, this molecule can instruct cells to create 20 tags. The immune system is then exposed to these tags, which can be used to attack tumor cells. There is no more cancer.

If you want to keep up with how the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine works, PCV basically uses the same technique. This will be a huge leap forward in fighting human cancer for everyone, regardless of age or type of cancer. The possibilities are astounding.Yes, PCV is currently in clinical trials, at least 2017..


Since 2020, the number of mRNA vaccines to fight the virus has increased significantly. Nine times from 2009 to 2019 and 17 times since the start of 2020 (again, excluding the COVID-19 vaccine).These vaccines are intolerable HIV, deer, or Cytomegalovirus For normal seasonal flu. Wait, cytomegalovirus? I didn’t know what this was, but I was surprised that more than half of the adults were infected by the age of 40. The primary cause of infectious birth defects In the United States. Most people are asymptomatic, but those who are pregnant or have a weakened immune system need to be protected.

Vaccine is being administered. Source: National Cancer Institute

Historically unacceptable viruses such as HIV and Zika have had problems in human life for decades because they seem unable to make effective fact 934 clinical trials People who are currently active, hired, or enrolled to mitigate risk and learn how to better fight HIV with narcotics. in the meantime, Approximately 500 clinical trials to test HIV vaccines have been completed.. This is a very serious illness that scientists have been serious about for many years. Thanks to mRNA technology, there are new options for creating vaccines against HIV, but we have to wait to hear the final report of the clinical trial. I still have hope.

To be honest, I don’t spend time on viruses anymore because there is a lot of information done by people with more resources and backgrounds on this topic.

Genetic disease

Currently, there are various genetic diseases targeted by mRNA therapy, and it is only recently that we have begun to test them in clinical trials.For example, current treatment targets Methylmalonic acidemia, Glycogen storage disease, Familial hypercholesterolemiaAlso Chronic granulomatous disease.. In general, these treatments use IV infusions of mRNA to instruct the body to recover the disease-causing missing or dysfunctional protein.

For example, methylmalonic acidemia (MMA) is a rare and life-threatening metabolic disorder caused by a deficiency of a mitochondrial enzyme commonly called methylmalonic acid CoA mutase (MUT). Currently, there is no approved treatment for this disease, and the only treatment is liver or a liver-kidney combination transplant. MMA mRNA therapy directs the body to make a MUT, thereby providing a therapy that does not require a liver transplant.

Experimental rat, source: Release the splash

This technique is not only possible for other studies of cancer and viruses, but also Animal studies to specifically test this treatment.. Here, scientists treated genetically engineered MMA mice without the MUT enzyme with mRNA therapy by IV infusion. As expected, they found that mRNA therapy produced mice with MUT protein, which in turn reduced toxic acids in the body. Repeated treatment dramatically improved the health and longevity of mice.

We are currently in the early stages of clinical trials using mRNA therapy targeting genetic diseases. We just have to be patient to see where it goes and what other illnesses scientists come up with —There is a recent topic of using mRNA designer drugs to stimulate heart regeneration...

Finally, mRNA therapy is not just about targeting new viruses like COVID-19. For decades, scientists have used them to develop treatments for other intolerable viruses such as HIV and Zika, as well as cancer, genetic disorders, and even heart disease. Surprisingly, most treatments in human trials target cancer. All this is possible only because governments and private organizations are funding genetics and animal research. If the speed of development of an effective COVID-19 vaccine is a sign of the future of mRNA therapy, we may be living in a very fortunate time.

Dr. Justin A. Barholic

All the data collected for this article is on my public github.




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