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Flash actor teases Jay Garricks after endless land returns crisis


John Wesley Shipp teased the return of Jay Garrick The flash. The Scarlet Speedster is currently going through its sixth season. The last episode featured the return of Wally West, as well as Eobard Thawne.

The flash featured many fan favorite characters throughout its run. One of the most popular is Jay Garrick of Shipp. When Jay first appeared in Season 2, it looked like he was trying to help Barry and his friends. However, it was a ruse because this "Jay" was actually Zoom / Hunter Zolomon. The real Jay Garrick appeared towards the end. The big problem was that Shipp was playing flash for the first time since 1991. (The actor also resumed his iconic television role, although the character died in Crisis on Infinite Earths.) Jay would make a few appearances at the along The flash. Unfortunately, his Earth was wiped out by the antimatter wave during the crisis on infinite lands. Many fans have probably assumed this would be the case for the character. However, this may not be the case.

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On Twitter, Shippshared images of The flash # 750, which hit comic book stores last week. The images show the Jay Garrick version of the Flash. With these and Shipp's tweet, it seems to indicate Jay's return to the series. Check out the tweet below.

Of course, this is not direct confirmation of the return of Jay Garrick The flash, but the potential seems to be there based on this tease. We don't know how Jay would return. Crisis on Infinite Earths has changed a lot, including the merger of Earth-1 with Supergirl & # 39; s Earth-38. Jay may have lived on Earth-Prime all this time after the crisis. For now, all is speculation until Jay probably returns to the series.

Although nothing historical has been revealed regarding The Flash & # 39; sIn the upcoming season 7, Brandon McKnight, who plays Chester, has been promoted to a regular series. Some might speculate that this promotion means that he could replace another character, but something like that has not been said at all so far. Kayla Compton, who plays Allegra, was also promoted to a regular series for season 7. However, there is still a lot of work to do in season 6. Based on the shooting photos for episode 18, a great point of intrigue will then be presented. There's also what's going on with Thawne and the Black Hole organization. It’s definitely a good time to be a fan of The flash.

Next: The flash teases future DC Speedsters (and the return of (SPOILER))

The flash airs Tuesday on The CW.

Source: John Wesley Shipp

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