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Magnitude 5.5 earthquake shakes area near Fukushima disaster site

Magnitude 5.5 earthquake shakes area near Fukushima disaster site
Magnitude 5.5 earthquake shakes area near Fukushima disaster site


Scientists believe that a major earthquake was reported off the coast of Japan, near Fukushima, the site of a nuclear disaster triggered by an earthquake a decade ago.

5.5-magnitude earthquake

(Photo: USGS)

The 5.5-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of Fukushima Prefecture in northeastern Japan on Sunday, but no injuries or damage were reported. No tsunami warning was issued.

The epicenter, according to the US Geological Survey, was 82 miles southeast of the Japanese city of Shizunai at a depth of 19 miles. The Japan Meteorological Agency raised the force to 6.0.

After the earthquake, the JMA warned local residents of the danger of landslides.

Because Japan is located in the seismically active “Pacific Rim of Fire” region, earthquakes occur frequently.

A 7.3-magnitude earthquake struck off the beach of Fukushima in March, killing one person and injuring dozens.

The 2011 earthquake triggered a tsunami, which led to an accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.


(Photo: Getty Images)

When two plates of Earth suddenly move over each other, an earthquake occurs. The level of error or error is the surface on which you slide. The epicenter is the point below the Earth’s surface where the earthquake begins, while the epicenter is the position directly above it on the Earth’s surface.

Tremors can occur during an earthquake. These are the lesser earthquakes that occur in the exact location as the next big earthquake. Scientists cannot determine whether the earthquake is a precursor until the main event. The main earthquake is the greatest and strongest earthquake. Aftershocks always follow the main tremors. These are the lesser earthquakes that strike around the main epicenter. Aftershocks can last for weeks, months, or even years after the main shock, depending on the size!

Also Read: Magnitude 4.2 earthquake shaking area near Yellowstone National Park

How do earthquakes shake the earth?

The inner core, outer core, mantle, and crust are the four primary layers of the planet. Thin skin covers the surface of our planet, consisting of the crust and the upper mantle.

But this leather is not all in one piece; It consists of several sections covering the surface of the earth like a saw. Moreover, these puzzle pieces keep moving, sliding and collide with each other. These saw cuts are tectonic plates, and plate boundaries are known as plate boundaries. Plate boundaries consist of many faults, and most earthquakes occur on these faults all over the planet. Because the edges of the boards are jagged, they become stuck as the rest of the board moves. When the plate moves far enough, the margins of one of the faults separate and an earthquake occurs.

The energy that normally forces the blocks to slide over each other is stored as the edges of the faults are clamped together, and the rest of the block moves. All stored energy is released when the force of the sliding blocks eventually overcomes the friction of the sharp edges of the fault, and disintegrates. Like ripples on a pond, energy spreads outward from the fault in all directions in the form of seismic waves. Seismic waves shake the Earth as they travel through, and when they reach the surface they shake the Earth and everything on it, including our homes and ourselves!

Drop it, cover it and catch it

Safety tips during an earthquake:

Before the earthquake pushes you down, get down on your hands and knees. This position prevents you from falling while allowing you to maneuver if necessary.

Cover your head and neck (and your entire body if possible) with a sturdy table or desk. If you do not have shelter, lie on an interior wall or low furniture that does not fall on you and cover your head and neck with your arms and hands.

Hold your shelter (or your head and neck) until it stops shaking. Prepare to move your shelter if the earthquake causes it to shift.

Related article: Experts study ‘the largest earthquake in human history’

For similar news, don’t forget to follow Nature World News!

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