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HIV drugs appear to improve memory in mice, studies showExBulletin

HIV drugs appear to improve memory in mice, studies showExBulletin


A new study found that HIV drugs can reverse memory loss in aged mice. This type of memory helps humans do things like associate names with faces. It usually begins to decline in middle age.

Sasha Pfeiffer, Host:

The drugs used to treat HIV AIDS may have other unexpected uses. At least in mice, it seems to reverse some memory loss. NPR’s John Hamilton reports that this finding suggests a new approach to treating aging and even disease-related brain changes.

John Hamilton, Byline: Older brains can form new memories, but it’s difficult to connect them. Alcino Silva, a neuroscientist at the University of California, Los Angeles, explains this problem:

Arsinoitherium: You learn something, but you can’t remember where you heard it. I can’t remember who spoke to you. These incidents occur more and more frequently as we grow older.

Hamilton: Silva says scientists have known it for a long time.

Silva: What we don’t know is how this is done and how the brain does it.

Hamilton: Silva’s lab was studying a molecule called CCR5 that helps the brain separate recent memories from old ones. Silva suspected that this same molecule could play a role in aging-related memory problems.

Silva: But check it out (laughs) and it’s done.

Hamilton: It turns out that levels of CCR5 increase with age and begin to interfere with processes such as linking names and faces.

Silva: Then you no longer link memory, as the molecule turns off the memory mechanism.

Hamilton: Silva’s lab has shown that blocking CCR5 can restore memory connections in mice, but people as well as mice wanted it.

Silva: All this incredible luck is that there are FDA-approved medicines.

Hamilton: A drug called Malavilock. It blocks CCR5 and prevents HIV from invading immune cells.

Silva: So we took this medicine and gave it to middle-aged animals, and this medicine gave you the same. Restored the memory link.

Hamilton: The results published in the journal Nature are limited to mice, but are also promising for the elderly and stroke patients. A few years ago, Dr. S. Thomas Carmichael, Dean of Neurology at Silva and UCLA, conducted a study showing a sharp rise in CCR5 levels after a stroke. In the short term, Carmichael says this activates a system that helps brain cells survive.

S THOMAS CARMICHAEL: The problem is that these systems remain active, limiting their ability to recover in weeks or months.

Hamilton: Because cells cannot form the new links needed to perform tasks such as moving arms and legs. Mice that acquired Malavilock did not have this problem and recovered faster. The team then found that stroke patients with naturally low levels of CCR5 also recovered faster. Carmichael says the findings, together, suggest that drugs like Malavilock can help people with a wide range of brain problems.

Carmichael: It can also affect Alzheimer’s disease, stroke, Parkinson’s disease, and even spinal cord injury.

Hamilton: Carmichael is part of a team studying maraviroc for people who have had a stroke. John Hamilton, NPR News.

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