How Michigan scientists are working to stop the spread of bird flu in the state
(WXYZ) — A search is underway to track the virus that is endemic in southeastern Michigan. This is called “highly pathogenic avian influenza,” well known as bird flu.
Although the risk to humans is considered low, bird flu can have devastating effects on wild and commercial bird herds.
However, a group of scientists at Michigan State University are working in emergency mode to identify the virus, limit its spread, and protect public health.
“When we say we’re in emergency mode, that’s the mode we’re in now,” said Anabelwise, an academic expert in the virology section.
The image looks like a summer blockbuster scene. A body cover scientist with a respiratory system that handles highly contagious pathogens. But it’s not Hollywood fiction, it’s a daily task at MSU’s Veterinary Diagnostic Institute looking for highly pathogenic avian influenza.
“We offer all tests, from wild birds to poultry, whether they are in a small backyard block or part of a large commercial facility,” said MSU’s Veterinary Diagnostic Institute. Dr. Kimberly Dodd, the director, said.
This lab is the only lab state approved by USDA for this type of work. The diagnostic team here increased vigilance in February, when the virus was first seen in the backyard herd, and set up overtime and weekend teams to inspect every time a specimen came in. Time is essential to limit the spread.
“It usually takes three to four hours from receipt to reporting the results,” says Dodd.
The virus has been reported in 40 states. This is the largest outbreak of bird flu since 2015, when more than 50 million chickens and turkeys died from bird flu in the United States or were destroyed to stop the spread of the virus.
According to USDA, these birds make up about 12% of American consumer egg-laying populations, and 8% of turkeys are raised for consumption.
This virus can also affect other animals. Three fox kits in Lapia, McCorm and St. Clair County were found to suffer from neurological problems.
Like this healthy kit, we found that three fox kits, Lapia, McCorm, and St. Clair County, suffer from neurological problems.
“They were tested for high pet bird flu, and the brain signals were tremendous,” said Roger Mace, head of the virology section.
Nature may help contain the outbreak. Highly pathogenic avian influenza is extremely sensitive to UV light and high temperatures. The beginning of summer may mean that the end of the outbreak is visible. Until then, MSU’s Veterinary Diagnostics Lab diagnosticians will be vigilant.
“Protecting our food sources, ensuring food security and food security, and that’s a big part of what we do,” Dodd said.
They are also protecting our wallet. For spawned eggs in 2015, production fell by about 10%, but egg prices rose by more than 60%. Boneless and skinless turkey breast prices have risen 75%.
This also has a real financial impact on the family. If you have a backyard bird, experts say you drop the bird feeder.
The virus spreads through direct and indirect contact, and bird feeders are a way for wild birds to approach a herd of livestock.
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