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Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell Launches Hiring Freeze


"Since taking office on February 20, Acting DNI Grenell and the ODNI management team have undertaken a careful review of these completed studies prior to his arrival, with a view to putting implement key recommendations, "Schoch told CNN in a statement. "While the review is underway, Ambassador Grenell has requested a short-term temporary pause in external recruitments. A similar recruitment pause was put in place in 2018 as part of the first effort to ODNI transformation. "

"The role of DNI Grenell has stressed with ODNI management that this review is not a purge effort, as some have mistakenly suggested. The goal is to make sure that scarce intelligence community resources are being used in the best possible way, "added Schoch, noting that further details will be provided once the details of the review are finalized.

Schoch also indicated that there have been "four studies in the past 24 months that have identified opportunities to refocus or transfer activities to ODNI to eliminate duplication of work with other agencies."

"These important results have never been fully implemented despite a thoughtful and thorough process," she said.

Donald Trump Jr. tweeted a link to The Times story Thursday evening, praising Grenell's stock. "4 internal studies in the past 2 years have said that the DNI needs to be reformed. Nobody has done it. @RichardGrenell is now starting to do it," said Trump.
Grenell was unexpectedly given this role when he was ambassador to Germany after the resignation of Vice Admiral Joseph Maguire last month, when it was clearly established that he would not be permanently appointed to this position. The week before, President Donald Trump had become furious with Maguire at an Oval Office meeting after learning that the office's top electoral security official had given a presentation to Congress in which she declared that Russia got involved in the 2020 campaign and supported the president.

With Maguire out, Grenell quickly dismissed his deputy, Andrew Hallman, a widely respected career CIA officer. Kash Patel, a National Security Council official and former assistant to California representative Devin Nunes who worked to discredit the Mueller probe, was later hired as a Grenell advisor.

The sudden movements immediately raised fears that Grenell is seeking to purge the upper ranks of the intelligence community and suppress information that could be interpreted as anti-Trump.

To date, this purge has not taken place and Grenell has made no significant changes.

Instead, current and former intelligence officials previously told CNN that Grenell had spent his time in meetings getting to know the information, including the underlying information in the Congressional contentious briefing, and the leadership of the organization, which coordinates the gigantic responsibilities of 16 different intelligence agencies, including the CIA and the NSA.

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