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Half-sisters and Haitian earthquake survivors will graduate with first class honors in Hartwell, Georgia

Half-sisters and Haitian earthquake survivors will graduate with first class honors in Hartwell, Georgia
Half-sisters and Haitian earthquake survivors will graduate with first class honors in Hartwell, Georgia


Half-sisters Redavka and Belinda were orphaned in the 2010 earthquake in Haiti. They were pulled out of the rubble that had killed their mother. But they survived. But their story is not just about survival. It is also about the opportunity to thrive and have a full and meaningful life.

When the girls arrived in the United States, they spoke Creole and French. English became their third language and the language they mastered. Redavka (the fourth child from the right in the back row) and Belinda (the fifth child from the left in the back row) were part of the Haitian choir of 30 orphans that toured the United States for the first time.

The sisters are named 2022 Valedictorian and Salutatorian at Barnes Academy in Hartwell, Georgia. Apparently, the school had to graduate fifteen decimal places to determine which got first honors and which ranked second. Both graduated with 3.9 GPAs.

During their two years in the United States, the two sisters were dually enrolled at Toccoa Falls College and earned 27 college credits.

Both would go on to study at Emmanuel College in Franklin Springs, Georgia. Redaphca plans to become a judge so she can help others come to the United States. Belinda, after witnessing the permanent injuries from the 2010 earthquake, plans to become a physical therapist.

Redaphca and Belinda were hosted by many families while in the US, but are now too old to be legally adopted into a family. Linda Gunther says girls rely on gifts and outside donations to pay for education, housing, medical care, food, transportation and other living expenses. Linda stresses that these costs become more and more expensive as girls get older.

Linda and David Gunter in Haiti

The story of Redavka and Belinda would have been much different had they not had the opportunity to study in America. How they got to the United States, according to Linda Gunther, is a divine story.

Once upon a time, Linda Gunther was a real estate developer in Lavonia, Georgia, she did not want children and was really satisfied with her life. That changed when Linda got a call from the father of one of her best friends. Her friend and her best friend’s husband were suddenly killed in a car accident, leaving behind five Haitian children they had adopted. The father tried to raise the children, but realized that he could not do it. Linda was his last hope of keeping the children together. Linda didn’t want them, but reluctantly took them anyway. She had no way of knowing that God was at work in her life.

Three years later, Linda and her husband David take the children to Haiti to experience their home country. The year was 2011 and their trip was just one year after the 7.0 magnitude earthquake that devastated the island. While there, they went to visit an orphanage that housed seventeen children. However, their driver had another place they needed to go.

The family was moved to the home of an older man who was trying to take care of 30 orphans on his own without electricity or running water. The house was filthy and they saw young children and goats digging in the rubbish heaps on the road outside in search of food. While there, the master asked the children to sign the Gunters. The orphans sang “This Little Mine Light” and the Gunter was hooked.

Linda and David couldn’t get away.

“Whatever it takes – whatever it costs”

Back in the United States, the Günther family, all seven of them, got together to decide what they could do for orphans in Haiti. During the discussion, the family decided they would do “whatever it takes!”

For years, the family spent every Christmas in Haiti taking gifts for orphans, and praying for guidance about what needs to be done to make a difference. In 2016, they invited children who were heard singing to come to the United States for a choir tour. The children flew over Delta and the Gunters were at the airport to pick them up. The Gunters had $120 in their bank account at the time and had no idea how it all worked. Six buses even broke down on their way to the airport.

But the tour went anyway and the kids sang in churches and anywhere else Linda could get her. They never asked for money, but donations were pouring in. People also reached out to adopt children or work as hostesses while they were studying in America. Of the 30 children, 22 were placed in homes under US F1 student visas. Redavka, Belinda, and Eldo (pictured in the main photo above) were three of these students.

love it love it

Expedition work was nothing new to the Gunters when they went to Haiti. They started an organization in 1998 to operate in the fifth worst crime district in the United States – Fine City, in Atlanta. Love Him Love Them is a missionary organization serving orphans and widows in Haiti and Northeast Georgia.

Years later, they relocated to Northeast Georgia and started serving their loved ones. The ministry focuses on the needs of widows and orphans and has worked with local groups as well as Haitians.

As the ministry continued, Linda was named “Mommy Linda” by over 5,000 orphans in Haiti where Love Him Love Them started several orphanages and even set up a hospital. Love Him Love Them brings together adult footwear, regardless of condition, to help those still in Haiti find jobs. Love Him Love Them collects mission trips for people who want to participate in ministry to Haiti, and they offer the Vacation Bible School curriculum that brings the work of the Haitian mission to American students.

For more information, go to the Love Him Love Them for details about their shoe service, their work with parents’ children in prison, and their work in Haiti. You can also read their incredible story in Choir of Angels: How 30 Orphans Changed Their World, Linda’s bestselling book on Amazon.




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