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Antibiotic resistance of bacteria that cause typhoid fever spreads worldwide

Antibiotic resistance of bacteria that cause typhoid fever spreads worldwide


The causative agent of typhoid fever is becoming more and more resistant Antibioticsaccording to New research Released tonight Lancet..

This largest genome sequencing study of bacteria in history Salmonella Serotype typhoid (S Typhi) found that the strain developed resistance to two major antibiotics, macrolides and quinolones.

“In recent years, highly resistant strains of typhoid fever have emerged and the rate of spread is a real source of concern, highlighting the urgent need for precautionary measures, especially in the highest-risk countries,” Jason said.・ Dr. Andrews said. Lead author of the study.

Typhoid fever is considered a global public health concern, with an estimated 11 million people infected and 100,000 dead each year.Antibiotics are usually effective against typhoid fever, but their effectiveness is limited by an increase in typhoid fever Antibacterial resistance..

Other studies of the rise and spread of antibiotic-resistant typhoid fever have been limited by the theory that the sample size is relatively small. In this study, we analyzed over 7500 typhoid genomes and performed whole-genome sequencing on 3489 typhoid blood sample isolates.

Samples were taken from people with confirmed cases of typhoid fever in Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Pakistan. Typhoid fever is the most prevalent in South Asia and accounts for 70% of the world’s disease burden. The study found that typhoid-resistant strains originated primarily in South Asia, but have spread nearly 200 times to other regions since 1990.

The final analysis included 4169 typhoid samples previously isolated between 1905 and 2018 in more than 70 countries. Using a gene database, researchers have identified genes that confer resistance in a total of 7658 sequenced genomes. Isolates were considered multidrug resistant if they were resistant to the typical front-line antibiotics ampicillin, chloramphenicol, and trimethoprim / sulfamethoxazole. In addition, it contains genetic resistance to macrolides and quinolones. This is because these antibiotics are considered important to human health.

Researchers have found that since 2000, multidrug-resistant typhoid fever has remained low in Nepal, steadily decreasing in Bangladesh and India, and slightly increasing in Pakistan. However, these strains have been replaced by new strains of typhoid fever that are resistant to other antibiotics.

Quinolone resistance to S Typhi has increased and expanded at least 94 times since 1990, with 97% of these strains occurring in South Asia. By the early 2000s, these quinolone-resistant strains accounted for more than 85% of Bangladesh’s typhoid fever. By 2010, quinolone-resistant strains accounted for more than 95% of typhoid fever in India, Pakistan, and Nepal.

Antibiotic resistance mutations to the widely used azithromycin have been found to have appeared at least 7 times in the last 20 years. Azithromycin-resistant typhoid strains have been steadily increasing since they were first identified in 2013.

Resistant strains were most prevalent in South Asia, Southeast Asia, East Africa and South Africa. However, it has also been confirmed in the United Kingdom, the United States, and Canada.

“The fact that typhoid-resistant strains have spread internationally many times underscores the need to consider typhoid control and antibiotic resistance more generally as a global issue rather than a local one. “Yes,” said Andrews.




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