Would you like to go vegan or vegetarian?Here’s what you need to know about a plant-based diet:
the term “Plant-based“It’s been thrown out in the wellness world for some time, and there are different interpretations of what it means. Being plant-based means Vegan Or a vegetarian diet, while others say Add plants to your diet with animal foods It also counts as a plant base. Being plant-based usually involves adding fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds to your diet. Reduces the risk of heart disease and lowers blood pressure Not only improves other health conditions.
I’ve been a vegetarian for many years, but I’ve confirmed that my diet consists of fruits, vegetables, beans, dairy-free milk, and whole grains. Since then, I have returned some lean meats to my diet, but vegetables, fruits, and whole grains still make up the majority.
To clarify what is considered “plant-based”, I talked to experts about what is considered a plant-based diet, the best way to get started, and the strengths and weaknesses of this lifestyle. We compared and examined.
If you want to try a plant-based diet, use this as a guide. However, always consult your doctor before changing your extreme diet.
What is a plant-based diet?
There are various diets that can come under a plant-based umbrella.according to Trista vest, MPH, RD, LD, “plant-based” is a broad term used to describe a dietary pattern consisting primarily of fruits, vegetables, legumes and grains. “These diets have no or severely limited amount of animal food consumed,” she says. However, there are no rigorous guidelines that accompany this dietary lifestyle, and many plant-based diets, such as vegan, vegetarian, and vegan, may fall into this category. Pescetarian, Mediterranean New thing known as Semi-vegetarian..
“A semi-vegetarian diet is one in which an individual decides the amount and type of animal food to consume,” said Best.Studies show that a semi-vegetarian diet may be a good way to go Gradual behavioral changes About meat consumption, as it is not as rigorous as other plant-based diets like veganism.
Therefore, you can reduce the consumption of meat, seafood, eggs and dairy products, but you do not necessarily have to cut them out. The goal is to make sure that most of what you eat is of plant origin.
Given the growing number of plant-based alternatives, the growing popularity of plant-based lifestyles cannot be ignored. Beyond the hamburger, Impossible FoodsAnd host Plant-based milk When Plant-based cheese product.flat Fast food restaurant Has focused on marketing New plant-based burger And others Plant-based foods.. As someone open to trying out almost all kinds of foods, I can assure you that some of these plant-based variations can easily pass the real thing and even taste decent. increase. But are these options cheating?
“Meat and animal product alternatives like cashew cheese and Beyond Meat are technically part of a plant-based umbrella,” explains Best. However, she points out that these foods should be taken in moderation.
“Often these alternatives are high in the fats and fillers needed to give them a taste and texture,” she adds, and it’s not uncommon for them to be high in sodium. Therefore, if you are primarily focused on your health and want to treat yourself with any of these plant-based options, limit how often you eat them or choose the actual deal instead. please.
What are the benefits?
A plant-based diet leads to lower risk Heart disease, type 2 diabetes and low blood pressure..They can also help for Weight loss -But you still want to be careful Major nutrients You need to reach your weight loss goal.
Adding more plant-based foods Reduces inflammationThis has also been shown to be important for overall health. inflammation It is a natural reaction in the body, but when it spreads chronically, May cause health problems.. Although some foods are associated with higher levels of inflammation, The biggest criminal Refined and processed foods such as white bread, pastries, fried foods, processed meats, and processed fats such as margarine and shortening.
How to go plant-based
If you’re ready to embark on this lifestyle change, here are some tips. Remember that you can give yourself flexibility in how you start your plant-based journey and decide which one is best for your situation.
Start with the baby step
If you’re afraid to switch to a plant-based diet, it’s okay to start small. Best helps increase your chances of sticking to it by gradually introducing a plant-based diet each week. She suggests starting with one meatless day and gradually adding another meatless day each week. “Being vegan shouldn’t be done with cold turkeys and can reduce the sustainability of change,” she warns.
Focus vegetables on your diet
When planning a meal, it is common for people to think of steak, chicken and fish as their main course. Use this time to try out new vegan recipes at home and recreate your cooking with a main focus on vegetables and other plant-based foods. In this way, plants become the central stage and animal products become more lateral.
As you become more accustomed to this process, increase the number of days you run out of meat. Most often, he points out that by constantly trying out new plant-based recipes, you will eventually be able to choose a reliable diet. “We need to turn the stapler to make it easier to prepare meals and stick to new eating patterns,” she says.
Eat a rainbow
Try different colors on the plate every day. In this way, you can get lots of fruits and vegetables. This also means getting more nutrients. Moreover, when something is more colorful and attractive, it’s more fun to eat. Don’t be afraid to try new varieties of fruits and vegetables you’ve never tried before.
Rethink protein
It is a common misconception that meat is the only source of protein. A plant-based diet allows meat, eggs, and other animal foods, but the goal is to reduce the frequency of relying on them as a source of protein.
It is still important to make sure you are getting enough protein. Therefore, if you want to reduce animal foods, you need to replace them with other forms of protein such as beans, nuts and seeds (and all foods, raw sources are best).
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How Plant-Based Diets Help the Environment
Another reason people choose to follow a plant-based diet is that it may be more sustainable. The The food system is a big factor In climate change, and many experts agree, a plant-based lifestyle can help minimize impacts.
According to Best, choosing to eat plants positively can reduce carbon dioxide emissions. “Eating more plants than meat can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by simply reducing the amount of food that requires significant machinery and land to reach the plate,” she explains. To do. “The vegan diet has the lowest carbon dioxide emissions of 1.5 tonnes of CO2e (carbon dioxide equivalent).”
Plant-positive diets have been shown to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but nonetheless Not sure if it is a particular plant-based foodIt has the same effect, such as a meat substitute. If the environment is one of the main reasons for being plant-based, the best bet is to stick to adding whole foods to your diet.
Who Should Avoid Plant-Based Diets?
As with any diet, plant-based should be addressed with caution. Health needs vary from person to person, so it is advisable to consult your doctor about risk factors. “For example, people with anemia should consult their healthcare provider before becoming plant-based because the non-heme iron in plants can be difficult to absorb,” says Best.
While there are benefits to adding plant-based ingredients to your diet, some people are not the best candidates for this style of diet.Some drawbacks of a predominantly plant-based diet may include smaller amounts B vitamins, iron, vitamin D3.. Similarly, plant-based proteins are not compared to animal-based proteins. All amino acids I need your body.
If you are the person you depend on High protein dietThe transition to plant-based requires additional dietary planning to ensure adequate daily protein intake. It is best described that there are 20 amino acids that the body needs, but 9 are classified as essential. “Beans are known for their protein content, and eating them in combination with rice is the best way to get all nine essential amino acids that are essential for plant-based dieters,” she said. increase.
It is important to understand the strengths and weaknesses of a plant-based diet. “Plant-based” may have a broad definition, but one thing is clear: even if you choose to keep meat in your diet, more fruits, vegetables and whole grains in your diet. Adding grains can bring positive benefits.
If you decide to follow a plant-based diet, know that it doesn’t have to be expensive or bland. By sticking to the basics of legumes, potatoes, fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables, you can make plenty of nutritious meals. If you choose to try some plant-based meat substitutes, keep in mind that they should not make up the majority of your plant intake.
If you still have questions about making it plant-based, or don’t know what to do about it, talk to your doctor, registered dietitian, or dietitian. They can determine if this diet is right for you and guide you in a safe and efficient way.
Mercy Livingston contributed to this story.
More for your health and nutrition
The information contained in this article is for educational and informative purposes only and is not intended for health or medical advice. Always consult your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider if you have any questions about your medical condition or health goals.
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