Germany and France pledge to step up support for WHO, reaffirming Organization’s key role in global public health
Germany and France reaffirmed their political, financial and technical support to the WHO. His Excellency Olivier Véran, Minister of Solidarity and Health of the French Republic, and His Excellency Jens Spahn, Minister of Health of the Federal Republic of Germany, met on 25 June in Geneva with WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhan Ghebreyesus to discuss the status of a global pandemic. 19 and measures to help countries where it continues to expand.
“Who is honored to greet you both here today,” Dr. Tedros said during a news conference after the tripartite meeting, “we express our sincere gratitude for expressing solidarity and support.” Today we get all the necessary support, political and financial. I want to express my gratitude. “
Germany will hold the EU presidency for the next six months. “Global health and pandemic management will be key topics,” Minister Spahn said. “That’s why I came to discuss the Presidency’s plans and ways to support the WHO at this critical time. Germany is still a strong supporter and friend; that’s why I’m here today. “Germany will contribute an additional € 41.4 million to the core work of the WHO and an additional € 200 million to implement the COVID-19 Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan. This follows Germany’s commitment in May of € 110 million to the WHO to support access to the COVID accelerator. -19 Tools (ACT), a global collaboration to accelerate the development, production and equitable access to new diagnostics, therapy and vaccines COVID-19.
“The world needs interconnected crisis management, we need a strong, effective, transparent WHO, more than ever before, capable of leading and coordinating a response in the global crisis,” added Minister Spahn. “Germany will do its part to provide the WHO with the political, financial and technical support it needs.”
Minister Véran reaffirmed France’s confidence in the Organization as the world’s leading public health agency and its key role in responding to disease epidemics and in this case the COVID-19 pandemic. “Here I announced increased support for the work of the WHO, first with a contribution of 90 million euros for the establishment of the WHO Academy, a center of excellence that brings together international cooperation in the field of training and innovation.” He also stressed the importance of the partnership between Germany and France – both WHO member states and the European Union – saying international cooperation is needed today more than ever before. On that occasion, Minister Véran also reaffirmed President Macron’s commitment during the ACT’s Marathon of Accelerators on 4 May to support the WHO’s coordinating role and provide an additional contribution of € 50 million for 2020-2021.
Germany and France have long-standing partnerships with the WHO and are strong supporters of global public health. Chancellor Angela Merkel was the first world leader to invite the WHO to the G20 in 2017 under German leadership, emphasizing the importance of health for all people around the world. Germany has been at the center of drafting the Global Action Plan for Healthy Living and Welfare for All, in order to make progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals. Germany and the WHO have jointly engaged in a multi-annual cooperation program providing strong support, especially in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goal 3 to ensure healthy living and well-being for all people of all ages, strengthening the health system, preparedness for health emergencies, anti- microbial resistance and access to drugs.
France has hosted the International Agency for Research on Cancer in Lyon for more than 50 years. France has also hosted the WHO Office for Lyon on the readiness of countries since 2001. Recently, France and the WHO signed an agreement to establish the WHO Academy, also in Lyon, which will be a state-of-the-art education center, bringing the latest innovations in lifelong learning to the global health sector.
In addition to political, financial and technical support, Germany and France have also donated masks, respirators and other medical supplies and equipment to the vulnerable population still suffering from the COVID-19 pandemic.
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