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Donald Trump is the king of cancellation culture



It is therefore perhaps not surprising that the left-denigrating president jumped on this particular movement of cultural wars.

But here’s the hypocrisy: Donald Trump has embraced the cancellation culture all his life. I can’t think of another politician, or public figure, who has spent more time trying to quash criticism than the former thin-skinned reality star of the Oval Office. Over the years, Trump has called for a boycott of major American brands such as Macys, Apple and Harley Davidson, among others, because they displeased him in one way or another. He forces those around him to enter into nondisclosure agreements, then threatens them with legal action if they dare to speak out against him, including his own niece Mary, whose revealing book the President is desperately trying to to cancel.

Then there is Colin Kaepernick. The president not only supported the rankings of the former San Francisco 49ers quarterback, but also insisted that NFL owners fire other players. Wouldn’t you like to see one of these NFL owners when someone disrespects our flag, to put that son of a bitch out of the way right now. Outside! He shot. He shot! he declaimed at a rally in September 2017.

He prevails over silencing his opponents, the very thing that cancels cultures. Conservative critics decry it is most pronounced when it targets members of its own political party. Take Mitt Romney. The only Republican senator to vote for the impeachment in February faced an intense reaction from the president and his ideological allies, particularly after Trump called him a donkey and an idiot and called for the removal of Romneys. . The president’s son demanded that the Utah senator be removed from the GOP. The president of the Conservative Political Action Conference said that he could not even guarantee the physical security of the Roma if the senator decided to attend the organization’s annual event. In short, at Trumps’ request, the Republican Party canceled its own former presidential candidate.

Romney, of course, was not the first independent member of the GOP of Congress to experience such ill-treatment by the Canceler-in-Chief. Do you remember Jeff Flake? Canceled. Bob Corker? Canceled. Justin Amash? Canceled. Mark Sanford? Canceled.

It’s no secret that Republican officials now live in fear that their careers will end with Trump and / or his base, if they move away. After Senator Roy Blunt (R-Mo.), The fourth-ranking Republican in the Senate, dared to vote against the Trumps declaration of national emergency on the southern border, in March 2019, he was invited to a dinner local by a Missouri county GOP committee. After Anthony Scaramucci, the president’s former director of communications, described Trumps’ attack on four color convention attendees as racist and unacceptable, in July 2019 he was discouraged by the Palm Beach County GOP from its annual fundraising Lobsterfest.

Even loyalists are not immune to possible cancellation. After Representative Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), Trumpiest Congressman in Trumps Washington, voted to limit Trumps’ authority to start a conflict with Iran, a House official in January Blanche told the Washington Post that he was completely unwise to cast such a vote and added that White House officials would not return Gaetz phone calls, text messages, smoke signals or his knees in the snow.

Then there are the officials who dared to testify against Trump during the removal hearings from the House. Ambassador Gordon Sondland and Lieutenant-Colonel Alexander Vindman were both canceled by the President for having had the temerity to speak. Trump even canceled Vindmans’ brother for the crime of being his identical twin.

The dead are not spared either. The late Republican Senator John McCain is such a reprehensible figure for the President that White House officials asked the US Navy to exit the warship USS John S. McCain before President Trumps’ visit to Japan, according to the Wall Street Journal in May 2019. (The ship was named after the father and grandfather of the late Republican senator both for Trump who opposes the erasure of our history!)

While Trump has carried the culture of cancellation to new and authoritarian heights, the whole conservative moment has spent years loud and clear withdrawing support from those deemed reprehensible or offensive. The Republican National Committee boycotted MSNBC and even the conservative National Review. A conservative group tried to boycott Burger King and Kit Kat for (what it claimed) to be offensive commercials. Senator Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) Tried to cancel Nike and the NFL. Fox News fans attempted to cancel Keurig by smashing the company’s coffee machines. Right-wing specialist Erick Erickson tried to cancel the New York Times by shooting bullets at a copy of it!

Also remember what happened to the Dixie Chicks now known simply as Chicks. In March 2003, on the eve of the illegal invasion of Iraq, the group said it was ashamed that President George W. Bush was from his home state of Texas. In response, the Conservatives denounced them as Saddams Angels, Dixie Sluts and traitors, and banned them from hundreds of conservative radio stations across the country. In Bossier City, Louisiana, hundreds of pro-Bush protesters used a 33,000-pound tractor to physically crush the group’s CDs.

The list of cautious cancellation cultural targets dates back decades before the dawn of the Internet. In 1966 right-wing Christians attempted to annul John Lennon after claiming that the Beatles were more popular than Jesus. The British group has received death threats in the United States, and a radio station in Birmingham, Alberta, has announced a bonfire and invited teenagers to burn their Beatles records.

So ignore the hysterical attacks on the right-wing cancellation culture. Not only because they are a distortion of the facts and the endless discussions on a cultural crowd on the left are a joke and a con, as Osita Nwanevu documented in the New Republic, but because they are the product bad faith and cheeky hypocrisy.

Right now, in 2020, here in the United States, we have an anti-free speech, an authoritarian selfish man sitting in the White House, supported by a sectarian political movement imbued with grievance politics, constantly suppressing critics, dissenting voices and unpopular opinions. Donald Trump and the Republican Party have never opposed the cancellation of culture. On the contrary, they embody it.

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