Australian Made Changed Logo: Kangaroo split into redesign
The much-loved kangaroo logo representing Australia is being shunned in favor of an abstract image of a yellow wattle.
The Advisory Council for the Combination of Australian National Brands made the decision to retrieve the logo, arguing that kangaroo was internationally recognized but did not represent Australia’s most popular assets, such as technology and education.
Trade Minister Simon Birmingham, who signed the amendment, said the Morrison government remained “100 percent committed to Australian Made Kangaroo”, but the new logo would “bring a consistency” to Australian businesses presenting themselves on the international stage.
The new logo will be used by business, industry and government agencies, replacing the current one depicting two orange boomerangs forming an Australian outline.
It is understood that a new redesigned kangaroo logo will still be used for products made in Australia.
The new yellow-yellow logo did not go down well, with NSW MP Mark Coure saying it looked like a virus.
The National Brand Advisory Council says the new logo will be good for investment in Australia.
“Australia is known internationally for its friendly people and natural beauty. However, there is room for improvement in perceptions about our business ability. There is an opportunity to increase foreign investment if we can strengthen awareness of our products and services abroad, “said a report from the National Brand Advisory Council.
“We love our kangaroo – it’s currently the most internationally known abbreviation in Australia. But we considered whether it would shift the perception of our nation, or simply strengthen what people already knew about us.”
The Advisory Council was set up under former Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and is chaired by mining magnate Andrew Forrest.
The report said the Australian Made logo – which was commissioned in 1986 and designed by Melbourne graphic designer Ken Cato – still featuring a kangaroo would still be used, but shades of green and gold would change.
“Australia is opposed to the use of many logos, colors and narratives, which dilute our brand’s offer and confuse our potential audience. That is why we have modernized our national color scheme with the use of a deeper green and current gold than yellow, ”the report says.
Mr Birmingham said this morning that the Morrison Government remained 100 percent committed to Australian Made Kangaroo and was “providing $ 5 million to increase its recognition”.
“Kangaroos will continue to be a major part of Australia’s marketing and logos from the Air Force in our tourism campaigns, our national airline and our sports teams,” he said.
“The Nation brand developed by Australian business executives will simply try to bring consistency to the way different government agencies, industry bodies, states and territories present themselves at international trade shows and similar events.”
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