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Security Law, Russian Profits, Huawei: Your Wednesday Brifing



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Good morning.

They were covering the latest on the internet Security law in Hong Kong, new findings in possible Russian gifts and a the reversal in U.S. reopening while coronavirus cases increase.

Hong Kong’s new national security law, passed Tuesday in China, gives the government in Beijing the power to destroy the dispute.

The new legislation, released to the public for the first time since its adoption, envisions a plan for authorities and courts to suppress the movement of city protests and for Chinas national security apparatus to spread layers of Hong Kong society.

In vague formulations, it envisions new crimes and authorizes life imprisonment in the most severe cases. Here are some key points:

  • The law is aimed at anti-government protesters. Activities such as damaging government buildings and disrupting public transit are described as acts of destruction and terrorism.

  • He allows Beijing to have extensive control over security issues, especially during crises. A new National Security Committee will operate in total secrecy and will be protected from legal challenges.

  • The law focuses heavily on the perceived role of foreigners in the Hong Kong riots. It will impose harsh penalties on anyone who incites foreign countries to criticize or impose sanctions on the government.

Great photo: Critics have called it a death knell for a country’s political framework, two systems that maintained Hong Kong’s distinctive status.

The answer: The business world has largely fallen in line with the Chinas campaign to strengthen its control in Hong Kong. Many world leaders have condemned the law. Financial Times reports.

The European Union will open its borders to visitors from 15 countries as of Wednesday, but not to travelers from the US, Brazil or Russia, where coronavirus cases continue to be balone.

The list of nations that the bloc has approved includes Australia, Canada and New Zealand; travelers from China will be allowed if China returns in response. EU countries hope to resume travel and tourism by preventing new outbreaks.

The decision came as Anthony Fauci, the United States’ best infectious disease expert, said the number of new infections in the country could be more than double the 100,000 a day if the country fails to contain the current wave. in many states.

Here are the latest updates and maps of where the virus has spread.

U.S. officials have eavesdropped on electronic data showing large financial transfers from a bank account controlled by the Russian military intelligence agency Russias to an account linked to the Taliban.

This was part of the evidence that shows Russia’s attempt to secretly provide gifts to the Taliban for the killing of US and coalition troops in Afghanistan.

What does it mean: Analysts and intelligence agencies did not agree on how reliable the information from the interrogation was, but wiretaps strengthened the findings.

Belgium: King Philippe has expressed his deepest regret for the brutal past of his countries in a letter to the President of the Democratic Republic of Congo, the first public recognition by a member of the Belgian royal family of the number of destroyers during the eight decades of colonization.

In remembrance: Carl Reiner, the versatile master of comedy, has died at the age of 98.

Snapshot: Above, Sunset Beach on Treasure Island, Fla. Beaches in the southern part of the state will close for the Fourth of July, the largest summer travel holiday in the US, as Florida changes course to reopen it due to an increase in coronavirus cases.

Fare was listening: it retro radio station, where summer is always 1997. Desktop themes and melodies will make your day, says Remy Tumi on the Briefings team.

Cook: it Cucumber and cucumber sichuan with striael badiava it’s a combination that doesn’t sound like it should work, but it happens especially when paired with sundae. You can also remove strusel badiava or replace it with crushed peanuts.

watch: Killing Cinema raises interesting questions about the ability of genres to accurately reflect the world. Our reviewer recommends Crisis and Seller if you want to get acquainted with a style that tests the limits of creating non-fiction movies.

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Staying safe at home is easier when you have a lot to read, cook, watch and do. In the House there is our complete collection of ideas.

The Times reported on Tuesday that it would happen start using large Blackcase to describe people and cultures of African descent, both in the U.S. and elsewhere. Here’s what it is wrote our National Editor, Marc Lacey about change.

My father was born a Negro. Then he was black. Late in life, much to his embarrassment, he became an African-American.

Everyone in this country who tracks their ancestors in Africa has experienced a panorama of racial identifiers throughout their lives, with some terms imposed and others embraced. During a single day in 2020, I could be called black, African-American or a person of color. I am also labeled, in a way that makes my brown skin crawl, as diverse, ethnic or a minority.

Among the nations that reckon with racism after the death of George Floyd, another name is being widely adopted: Black with a capital B.

John Eligon, a national correspondent for the New York Times who writes about race, captures the discussion in an article. As he notes, any change of name brings inspirational discussion. Isn’t it a black color, not a race? If someone capitalizes on Black, should Bardha also be capitalized? And Brown?

Like the one who works with words, I would never suggest that the choice of words does not matter. Words can affect the thinking of both those who write them and those who read them. So I’m in favor of pushing the shift key, but I doubt it will be the last time we modify what people like me call it.

[Timundesh[Youcan[Timundesh[Youcansign up for the Gara / Related newspaper HERE.]

Tell him about this conference. See you next time.


Thank you
To Theodore Kim and Jahaan Singh for the rest of the news. You can reach the team at

We were listening to The Daily. Our latest episode is about the Supreme Court ruling on abortion this week.
Heres Mini Crossword, and a key: Bird with light blue eggs (five letters). You can find all our puzzles here.
An archive of ISIS internal documents obtained by Times journalist Rukmini Callimachi and her colleagues in 2018 have been issued to the public as part of a project with George Washington University.

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