National Vaccine Panel Considering Delay to Fourth COVID Booster Advice While Waiting for Better Omicron-Specific Vaccines
The combination produced neutralizing antibodies against Omicron at 1.75 times the level of existing Moderna vaccines, the company said. These results are promising, but have not yet been scrutinized through peer reviews.
If Moderna’s booster is approved for use in the United States as expected, the company’s chief healthcare officer, Dr. Paul Burton, is ready to quickly deploy the booster to “as many people as possible around the world.” I said there is.
Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer has also created the latest boosters, which are suitable for dodging Omicron.
Paul Griffin, an infectious disease expert who is the lead investigator in seven COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials, said evidence of a fourth vaccination in young people without risk factors for serious illness remains unclear. rice field.
“At this point, there is no convincing evidence for people without risk factors to receive the fourth dose urgently,” he said.
But this can change quickly. According to Griffin, the new Omicron subvariant shows partial antigenic escape against existing vaccines, making it easier for people to get a third dose or have recently been infected with the coronavirus. Will be re-infected with.
This is because genetic mutations in the subvariants BA.4 and BA.5 peplomers avoid some antibodies that may have been made against radar and other variants of the immune system.
“There are concerns about signs that this will lead to increased severity and increased global hospitalization,” Griffin said.
In Hospitalizations for the British coronavirus are skyrocketing again. Griffin said there are early signs that this tendency for severity may already be occurring in New South Wales.
“This is about the continued evolution of the virus and the increasing challenges it poses.”
Infectious disease expert Paul Griffin
“In the not too distant future, a fourth dose of Omicron-specific booster may be needed,” he said. “It looks more and more like this may be the case.”
Professor Tony Cunningham, an infectious disease specialist at the Westmead Institute for Medical Research, said the key question is what could happen at antibody levels in the coming months with new variants such as BA.5. I did.
“My bet is that it’s low enough to require a fourth dose,” Cunningham said.
When asked about weakened immunity in people who received a third dose at the end of last year, Cunningham said data from Israel showed stable protection against serious illness for up to five months. rice field. His view was that high-risk groups, especially health care workers and elderly care workers, could require a fourth variant-specific dose for more than 6 months.
According to a large new study from Israel A fourth dose of Pfizer vaccine provides additional short-term protection against Omicron infections and serious illnesses in the elderly. But it fades after only four weeks.
Griffin said mutant-specific boosters are the future of coronavirus vaccines and can be adjusted in the same way as seasonal flu jabs.
However, he warned that fatigue and skepticism about booster shots must be overcome with a carefully considered health message.
“I think many people think that the need for boosters suggests that we made a mistake in the first place,” he said. “But in reality, vaccines do work. This is about the continued evolution of the virus and the increased challenges it poses.”
The fourth dose is currently available to people over the age of 65, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders over the age of 50, and Australians under the age of 64 with immunodeficiency.
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