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Nerve-cooling implants may provide pain relief as an alternative to opioids, researchers say.Medical research

Nerve-cooling implants may provide pain relief as an alternative to opioids, researchers say.Medical research


Implants that can cool nerves and block pain signals have been announced by researchers that the device can provide drug alternatives such as opioids.

The team behind the device states that it can benefit the management of acute pain as experienced after amputation, nerve transplantation, or spinal decompression surgery.

Co-author of the study, Professor John Rogers of Northwestern University in Illinois, USA, said:

However, Rogers warned that it may take some time before implants are available to patients. “Like other implantable devices, the regulatory process can be slow and usually involves much more extensive animal model research over several years,” he said.

write in Journal scienceThe team reports how devices that have been tested only in rats so far include pumps, external control systems, and implants made of soft, rubbery polymers. The latter incorporates a sealed collection of small channels that form a winding path around the implant that sits around the target nerve, such as a cuff.

As the liquid coolant and dry nitrogen flow through the implant winding path, the liquid evaporates and cools. This temperature change is tracked by an electronic sensor inside the device to control the flow and keep the nerve temperature constant.

“All body processes are based on metabolic chemistry, ion movements, and fluid flow. [such as blood] – As a result of cooling, everything slows down, “Rogers said.

“The net effect of applying cooling to the nerves is in blocking electrical signals,” he added, pointing out similarities to the numbness of the fingertips that can occur in cold weather.

In their experiments, the team tracked two injured rats that caused sciatica and recorded the minimum force that had to be applied to the hind paws to allow the animals to retract their paws over a three-week period. .. This data was then compared to data from three similarly injured but implant-attached rats. The results suggest that a seizure that cools the injured nerve from 37 ° C to 10 ° C leads to pain relief and a 7-fold increase in the force that can be applied to the foot.

According to the team, implants have many advantages. In contrast to opioid drugs, it also includes non-addiction. In addition, implants are made from water-soluble, biocompatible materials that can decompose in the body after use.

“Normal surgical life is in the range of weeks and the corresponding time for complete dissolution is in the range of months,” Rogers said, saying that implants can be inserted as an extension of the patient’s first surgery. ..

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Professor David Bennett, a pain expert at Oxford University, praised implant engineering, saying that, speaking personally, he needed to find an alternative to painkillers like opioids.

However, he said there are potential drawbacks to this approach. For example, while relieving pain, the device can block all types of nerve fibers, including those that provide other sensations such as tactile sensations and sensations to muscles, potentially leading to significant weakness. I have.

“The problem is that so far there is little specificity for pain,” Bennett said. “Finally, there may be a percentage of people whose pain can be exacerbated by cooling, and the side effects of long-term cooling should also be considered.”




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