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Shiny Giratina and Timburr make their debut before the start of the Battle League


A new Raid event has started to roll out around the world in Pokmon Go, and it showcases the return of one of the legendary Pokmon from the Sinnoh region, Giratina.

Giratina will be in its modified form, which will make it a bit weaker than its original form, but coaches will have the option to add this legendary to their Pokedex. This event also marks the start of its brilliant form, providing another reason to go there and fight one.

Departure Friday, March 13 at 8 a.m. to Monday, March 16 at 10 p.m. local time raids will be moved to include Giratain in modified form in level 5 raids.

This weekend also marks the start of the Pokmon Go Battle League, and coaches will notice that Combat-type Pokmon appear more frequently in the wild. This includes Timburr, whose Shiny form is also making its debut in mobile gaming.

Here is all the information you need on the latest Pokmon Go Raid update, including which Pokmon are best suited to eliminate Giratina.

pokemon go giratina raid boss update
The Pokemon Company / NewsGeek


Altered Forme Giratina is a Dragon and Ghost type Pokmon making it weak to Dragon, Dark, Ghost, Fairy and Ice attacks. Its typing makes it resistant to Normal, Fighting, Poison, Fire, Water, Electric, Grass and Bug attacks.

Your best bet to go into battle with a strong Dragon-type Pokmon team. There are a lot of them in Pokmon Go – especially other legendary ones – and, although Giratina can use her own Dragon-type attacks against you, bringing six of them will do enough damage before Giratina takes you.

Here are some examples of the best Pokmon and moves that have a chance against Altered Form Giratina:

  • Rayquaza with Dragon Tail and Outrage
  • Palkia with Dragon Tail and Draco Meteor
  • Dragonite with Dragon Tail and Outrage
  • Salamence with Dragon Tail and Draco Meteor
  • Laios with dragon breath and dragon claw
  • Dialga with Dragon Breath and Draco Meteor
  • Mewtwo with Psycho Cut and Shadow Ball
  • Gengar with Shadow Claw and Shadow Ball


The last Pokmon Go Updating the raid doesn't make much difference. Many of the Pokmon found in Raids appeared when the Go Battle League prep event started. The only difference is that Giratina now appears in level 5 raids as opposed to Registeel, Cressellia and Thundurus.

Here are the current raid bosses in Pokmon Go:

Level 1

  • Alolan Grimer
  • Makuhita
  • Shinx
  • Shieldon
  • Timburr
  • Klink

Level 2

  • Cloyster
  • Haunter
  • Kirlia
  • Whiscash

Level 3

  • Clefable
  • Machamp
  • Onix
  • Piloswine
  • Skarmory

Level 4

  • Charizard
  • Snore
  • Togetic
  • Umbreon
  • Swampert

Level 5

What do you think of the last event Pokmon Go? Which Pokmon do you face Giratina? Let us know in the "Comments" section.

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