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Coronavirus: a test shows that soap and water are a very effective way to clean your devices


Telecommuting? Review this checklist before setting up a home office
With the scale of the coronavirus (technically known as COVID-19) increasing every day, businesses, organizations and individuals are offering plans to make it easier to work from home.

In the past few days, I've read so much pseudo-medical nonsense – let's call it woo – on the Internet that I feel like I need to lie down. The amount of COVID-19 coronavirus nonsense promoted by ignorant but well-meaning people or charlatans looking to make a few dollars is incredible.

Yesterday, I came across a Facebook post that recommended people to wash their hands, wipe their gadgets and even drink water that has been "activated" with a "special metal tube" . Do some research and you will find that the "special metal tube" is filled with radioactive thorium dioxide powderand are readily available on sites such as eBay.

Yeah, no. You don't want this "special metal tube" near your home or office.

Apple has released recommendations on how people should disinfect their gadgets. He recommends using "a 70% isopropyl alcohol wipe or Clorox disinfectant wipes" to "gently wipe the hard, non-porous surfaces of your Apple product, such as the screen, keyboard or other exterior surfaces. "

But what if you don't have a "70% isopropyl alcohol wipe or Clorox disinfectant wipes".

It turns out that you can use soap and water. And it's very effective.

How do I know?

Because Dr. Lena Ciric, microbiologist at University College London, proves it.

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BBC News asked Dr. Ciric to test "microbial activity" on smartphones and smartphone cases before and after cleaning them with soap and water using the state of the art art Hygiena ENSURE. Activity was measured in RLU or relative light units, and is a unit for measuring cleanliness by measuring adenosine triphosphate levels. According to Dr. Ciric, a surgical area would need an RLU of 50 or less.

The phones and cases tested before cleaning all had RLUs greater than 50, with numbers ranging from 57 to 435. After gentle cleaning with soap and water (note that you do not need use only a damp cloth, not a wet or dripping cloth, and be smart and do not immerse your devices in liquids), all phones had RLUs less than 50, numbers ranging from 42 to 2.

The dirty handset with the RLU 435 reading dropped to 18 after being cleaned with soap and water.

So soap and water if they are effective. Very effective. But Dr. Ciric would like to emphasize that this cleaning is not a unique thing and that the devices start to pick up microbes as soon as they are pawed by their owners, and that a good way to slow this build up is yes, you guessed it, WASH YOUR HANDS!

See the video, it's less than a few minutes and very informative.

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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