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“Women must prioritize heart health”

“Women must prioritize heart health”


Contrary to popular belief, women are as vulnerable to heart disease as men. In India, especially in urban areas, cardiovascular disease has been found to be one of the leading causes of death in women, with an estimated 16.9. Percent of all female deaths were due to cardiovascular disease.

According to a Harvard Medical School study, “Women’s symptoms often differ from those of men. Before menopause, women’s own estrogen increases HDL (good) cholesterol and decreases LDL (bad) cholesterol. Letting them help protect her from heart disease. After menopause, women have higher total cholesterol levels than men, but this alone explains the sudden increase in risk of postmenopausal heart disease. High triglyceride is an important factor in women’s cardiovascular risk. Low HDL and high triglyceride appear to be the only factors that increase the risk of death from heart disease in women over the age of 65. ..

“Diabetes increases the risk of heart disease in women more than in men, probably because diabetic women often add risk factors such as obesity, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. Women usually have more risk than men. Although heart disease develops about 10 years later, diabetes eliminates its benefits. In women who have already had a heart attack, diabetes doubles the risk of a second heart attack and increases the risk of heart failure. . “

According to a study by Harvard University School of Medicine, metabolic syndrome, which is characterized by large waist size, high blood pressure, abnormal glucose tolerance, low HDL cholesterol, and high triglycerides, is the most important risk of having a heart attack at an abnormally early age. It has been suggested to be a factor. In a study of patients undergoing bypass surgery, metabolic syndrome poses a greater risk to women than to men.

“Many women do not experience the typical chest pain that makes early diagnosis and treatment difficult. Often because of their responsibilities at home and at work, women ignore their well-being and routinely. As a small matter, they tend to dismiss mild symptoms. However, women recognize that they are also susceptible to heart disease, ensure regular examinations, and are willing to require medical intervention. You need to pay attention to the symptoms that make you, especially in the perimenopausal women, “said Dr. Sanjeev Gera, Dean of Fortis Cardiology and HOD at Neuda.

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Symptoms of a heart attack should not be ignored — chest pain, heaviness or burning sensation, pain in one or both arms or left shoulder, throat or jaw pain, shortness of breath or cold sweat, extreme fatigue, etc.

Women often do not have regular preventive heart tests to determine if they have signs of heart disease. Often, patients arrive at a hospital where the arteries are severely occluded, increasing the risk of blood clot formation, etc., and the coronary arteries are 100% occluded, which can lead to a heart attack. Dr. Gera proposes the following preventive regimes:

1) The first step is to recognize risk factors that cause obstruction, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, obesity, smoking, sedentary lifestyle, and stress that worsens results.

2) You should avoid any form of smoking, the use of tobacco, and even second-hand smoke.
In today’s era, most working women spend endless hours on chairs and not on physical activity.

3) Incorporate all kinds of outdoor sports, jogging, walking, cycling, swimming or indoor activities such as gym, dance, yoga. If you are overweight, it is imperative that you spend 30 to 45 minutes each day doing physical activity.

4) Another important aspect is to be careful about your diet. Excessive consumption of junk foods, packaged foods, and carbonated drinks should be avoided. Check your calorie intake and look for a healthy diet that is low in sugar, salt and fat and high in complex carbohydrates, legumes, fruits and vegetables.

5) Obesity or weight gain should be monitored. Physical activity and a controlled diet help maintain a healthy weight. In India, women have many responsibilities and often ignore health concerns. Many women experience moderate to high levels of stress and, for many reasons, are unable to get a good night’s sleep. This is detrimental to your heart’s health, you need to take steps to reduce stress and anxiety, and you should not be sleep deprived.

6) All women are required to undergo regular health examinations. This includes home BP and sugar monitoring, and annual heart tests including lipid profile, HBA1C, exercise and ECG tests to detect silent heart disease. If symptoms or risks are identified, further investigation should be done with the advice of a cardiologist.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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