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Iran builds burial pits for coronavirus victims, satellite images show


The country has reported at least 10,075 confirmed cases of coronavirus and 429 deaths, the third largest number of cases after mainland China and Italy.

Satellite images of March 1 and 8, published by Maxar Technologies, seem to show an increase in activity inside the Behesht-e Masoumeh cemetery in Qom. The images show what looks like two new grave trenches on March 1, with more excavations thereafter.

According to Islamic tradition, the bodies are supposed to be buried quickly after their death. But Behesht-e Masoumeh morgue director Ali Ramezani said on Iranian public television earlier this month that burials were delayed because testing for the virus takes time. And while the corpses are traditionally washed with soap and water before the burial in Iran, two medical workers in Qom told CNN that, in some cases, precautions related to epidemic prevented staff from abiding by traditional Islamic guidelines for burial.

A video of the morgue showed dozens of bodies sheathed in black bags on the floor of an Iranian morgue, while workers in protective gear and masks walk among them.

The Persian New Year, or Nowruz, falls on Friday, March 20. Many Iranian families visit cemeteries before the end of the Persian year as part of the annual tradition. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran's supreme guide, has canceled his annual speech for Nowruz, state-run IRNA news agency reported on Monday. Khamenei will not travel to the city of Mashhad, the site of the sanctuary of Imam Reza, where the speech is usually delivered.

"Due to the spread of the coronavirus and the strict recommendations given by health officials and specialists to avoid any form of assembly and to refrain from traveling and out of cities to prevent the spread of the disease, the speech ceremony of the leader … will not be held year, "said the press release cited by IRNA.

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Iran took drastic measures last week to stop the spread of the virus. The government has banned Friday prayers in centers in all provinces of the country. Schools and universities have been closed. Concerts and sporting events have been canceled.

All 31 Iranian provinces have been affected by the virus, and several senior officials have fallen ill.

Former Iranian foreign minister and current Khamenei advisor Ali Akbar Velayati tested positive for the virus and was quarantined at his home in Tehran, Iranian news agency ISNA reported on Tuesday. .

Another adviser from Khamenei, Mohammad Mirmohammadi, 71, died last week, and one of the country's leading clerics, Hadi Khosroshahi, died of the disease last month.

Earlier, Iranian officials confirmed that 23 members of parliament from 290 members of the country had tested positive. Two members died. Several vice presidents, including Iran with several, have also tested positive.

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Meanwhile, Iran on Friday rejected an apparent offer from US President Donald Trump to help Iran fight the virus. Trump said, "We have the greatest doctors in the world. We offer assistance to Iran."

Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi rejected the offer as "hypocritical" and "repugnant", and accused the United States of "economic and medical terrorism", according to Press TV.

"Instead of hypocritical displays of compassion and repugnant boastfulness, you should end your economic and medical terrorism so that medicines and medical supplies can reach Iranian medical personnel and the Iranian people," said Mousavi.

"We don't need American doctors," said Mousavi, adding that Iran had "the best, bravest and most medical staff in the world."

CNN's Radina Gigova and Sara Mazloumsaki contributed to this article.

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