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The new vaccine aims to protect against coronavirus and its variants

The new vaccine aims to protect against coronavirus and its variants


Nanoparticle vaccines show the potential to protect humans from coronaviruses before they leap from animals to humans.

(CN) — As a hyperinfectious BA.5 variant of the virus that causes the march of Covid-19 nationwide, researchers at the California Institute of Technology may offer it without the need for protection against various types of coronavirus. We have developed a new type of vaccine that shows. Updated for new variants.

The study published in the July 5 issue of Chemistry Shows that the “mosaic nanoparticles” vaccine has been able to provide a strong range of protection against several types of viruses in studies conducted in mice and monkeys.

Specifically, the vaccine provided protection against Covid-causing mutants and other respiratory viruses such as SARS and MERS.

All of these viruses, known as beta coronaviruses, are a subset of coronaviruses known to cause infections in humans and animals, and studies show that recipients are not included as part of the vaccine. Was protected from.

“Animals vaccinated with Mosaic 8 nanoparticles induced antibodies that recognize betacoronavirus strains such as SARS, which we evaluated,” said Alexander Cohen, one of the co-authors of the study. I am saying. “Some of these viruses may be associated with strains that cause betacoronavirus outbreaks like the following SARS, so what we really want is the overall virus. It targets the group. We believe we have it. “

The vaccine works by presenting the immune system with fragments of peplomer proteins from SARS-CoV-2, the virus that caused the Covid-19 pandemic, and seven other SARS-like beta coronaviruses. This caused the body to produce a variety of cross-reactive antibodies, and the test animals also showed protection from additional coronaviruses that were not included in the original eight.

“SARS-CoV-2 has been proven to be able to create new variants that have the potential to prolong the global Covid-19 pandemic,” said David Baltimore Biology and Biotechnology, California Institute of Technology. Professor Pamela Bjokman said. “Furthermore, the fact that the three betacoronaviruses SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, and SARS-CoV-2 have been spilled from animal hosts to humans over the last two decades necessitates the production of broadly defensive vaccines. Is shown. “

If proven successful in humans, this vaccine could be a major advance in helping to combat future pandemics caused by these diseases.

“What we are trying to do is create an all-in-one vaccine that protects against betacoronaviruses like SARS, regardless of which animal virus evolves to enable human infection and spread. Species vaccines also protect against current and future SARS-CoV-2 variants without the need for renewal, “says Bjorkman.

The next step in this promising study is for Björkman and his colleagues to incorporate Mosaic 8 nanoparticle immunization into Phase 1 clinical trials in humans.

This study primarily enrolls people who have already been vaccinated with the Covid-19 vaccine or have been infected with SARS-CoV-2. In preparation for the study, researchers conducted preclinical animal model experiments to determine the immune response of current Covid-19 vaccinated animals and animals that were not infected with the virus or were not vaccinated. I am planning to compare.

Further research will be supported by the Coalition for Epidemic Infectious Diseases Innovation (CEPI), which has promised to fund up to $ 30 million. The UK-based deep tech organization CPI supports the manufacturing activities of the project.

“Since the beginning of the pandemic, we have been discussing the need for diversity in vaccine development,” said Dr. Richard J. Hatchet, CEO of CEPI. “The breakthroughs shown in Björkman’s lab show great potential for strategies to fully pursue new vaccine platforms and may overcome the hurdles created by new variants. “

In a statement, Björkman thanked his past collaborators for their support and expressed excitement at the next trial.

“We are now excited to work with colleagues at CEPI, Oxford, Ingenza and CPI to move this vaccine candidate to the clinic. Very encouraging preclinical results to evaluate the Mosaic RBD nanoparticle approach. This shows that it is superior to current vaccines and traditional single RBD nanoparticle vaccine candidates, “says Bjorkman. “Our consortium has already combined its diverse skill sets to implement new ideas and scientific advances. We look forward to continuing to work with great collaborators.”

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