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Research shows that men are “greater” than women


New research suggests that men are more likely to be considered “greater” than women, which may hinder gender equality.

The stereotypes affecting men and women globally are believed to be deeply rooted in 9-year-old children.

A study published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology also found that stereotypes exist in 78 countries around the world.

The strength of the bias was even comparable to the more commonly identified reasons for gender inequality, such as the role women play in the family.

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When asked by researchers about the findings, participants immediately described the woman as “excellent.” This suggests that when people face directly, they either do not want to express or cannot express.

This is called implicit bias, and people unknowingly stereotype other people. This has led teams involved in the survey to be concerned about the global impact this could have on gender equality.

“Stereotypes, which express brilliance as a characteristic of men, are likely to keep women away in a well-known career,” explained Dr. Daniel Storage, a research leader at the University of Denver.

His collaborator, Dr. Andrey Simpian of New York University, adds: “Understanding the prevalence and scale of this gender brilliance stereotype will inform us of what we can do to improve gender equality in career outcomes.”

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Dr. Simpian previously conducted a gender equality study. There he found that women were undervalued in jobs where advanced intelligence and “shine” were at the forefront. It is usually classified as a science-based profession.

There are several reasons why this is true.

One theory is that women are postponed by geniuses and careers seeking brilliant people because of the unconscious prejudice in society that men are more brilliant than women.

Another point of view is that certain working conditions make women less welcoming than others.

Researchers had to come up with clever ways to find a person’s true thoughts, as people often disagree with their typical view. They did this using something called the Implicit Association Test (IAT).

IAT is an accelerated sort task, intended to see the automatic assumptions people make before the logic is executed. It’s all done instinctively.

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Testing has found a lot of evidence that this stereotype was present in the minds of many people. It was also far more prevalent than any other prevailing belief in men and women.

“The research author, Harvard University PhD student, Tessa Charles Worth, said:

“The still-implicit measure reveals another story about more automated gender stereotypes that comes to mind when thinking about brilliance.”

It is this attitude that needs to be canceled in the struggle for gender equality.

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