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Scientists discover new ultrafast insulin formulation


Key Point

  • About 1.25 million Americans have type 1 diabetes
  • Insulin injections usually take longer to act and do not help achieve glycemic control at mealtime
  • Scientists have discovered new insulin formulations that are faster and more stable

Researchers at Stanford University are currently developing a new insulin formulation that starts working immediately after injection. They believe it is four times faster than existing over-the-counter insulin preparations.

People with type 1 diabetes need exogenous insulin to regulate their blood sugar levels. Although insulin has been used for nearly a century in the treatment of diabetes, current fast-acting insulin preparations lack the fast pharmacokinetics to maintain tight glycemic control in the diet.

To address this shortcoming, experts at Stanford University have developed a new formulation called Ultra Fast Absorbing Insulin Lispro (UFAL) that can reduce insulin aggregation and improve pharmacokinetics. The animal model allows for rapid insulin absorption during subcutaneous delivery and improved stability in response to stressed aging conditions.

“I felt like nothing had happened, but suddenly there was this bright moment… and the deadline a few months ahead. At the moment we got promising results, we had to do it. did not” MedicalXpress Quoted by Joseph Mann, a co-author of the study and a PhD. A candidate for materials science and engineering at Stanford University.

While the commercial fast-acting insulin formulation is stable for only about 7 hours under stressed aging conditions, the new formulation provided stability of over 24 hours. It typically took more than 30 minutes for a commercial Humalog to start its action, whereas the newly discovered insulin formulation showed a peak effect within 10-12 minutes.

“In terms of stability, we’ve made a big step backwards with the use of insulin monomers. Second, we’ve added a polymer that’s more than twice the stability of current commercial standards.”

The research team will apply to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for approval to conduct human clinical trials. They are also looking at other uses for their new formulation, noticing how significantly it established stability.

We will also explore whether this newly discovered insulin preparation will act very fast like hormones in non-diabetics, helping to develop artificial pancreatic devices that function without dietary patient intervention. It’s a schedule.

Insulin shot The new insulin tablet system reduces patient pain by injecting from the inside after it is swallowed. Photo: A photo taken on March 14, 2016 shows the fateful syringe treatment, a solution to severe hypoglycemia that can occur in diabetics using insulin in Paris Photo: Getty Images / Franck Fife / AFP


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