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Laurence Fox: Actors Union Equity apologizes for the “ shameful '' tweets


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Fox said he hoped the apology would be "an opportunity … to celebrate diversity"

The Actors Equity union apologized to Laurence Fox for a tweet from one of its committees that called it "shame on our industry".

"It was a mistake for Equity as an organization to criticize it in this way," said the union. in a report.

Fox appeared as a panelist at Question Time in January, during which time he called a member of the public "racist" for calling him "a privileged white man".

His remarks were criticized by the Equity Ethnic Minorities Committee.

Fox thanked Equity for their comments with a tweet, after a 19-day hiatus on Twitter.

In a previous press release published in January, Equity said its rules had been "inadvertently broken" and that it was "a mistake to criticize a member of the profession without consulting the union ".

In this statement, the organization declared that "racism is real" and that it had "a proud tradition of fighting racism and campaigning for equality and diversity in the industries of entertainment".

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Media captionLaurence Fox confronts a member of the public at question time

Equity said on Friday that it "would like to clarify" that nothing in its previous statement "was intended to insult the character or opinions of [Fox] or to suggest that he should be denied the ability to work. "

Following the publication of Equity's apology, members of its Ethnic Minority Committee – renamed from the Racial Equality Committee – said they had "no choice but to resign".

Fox said on February 24 he was taking an "extended break from social media", who became" more and more depressed "after being shocked by" some of the things that have been said to me on these platforms ".

“I fear for my future and my ability to provide for the financial needs of my children. A thought that keeps me going has kept me awake most nights. will…" he added at the time.

Equity's apologies were well received on social media by the presenter from Good Morning Britain Piers Morgan, columnist Toby Young and others.

Fox added he hoped that "this could [be] an opportunity for us to continue to celebrate diversity in all its forms. Including diversity of opinion. "

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