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Limited supply of monkeypox vaccine put pressure on healthcare providers

Limited supply of monkeypox vaccine put pressure on healthcare providers


Oakland (KPIX)-Insufficient supply of monkeypox vaccine highlights the inequity of marginalized communities. The East Bay AIDS Foundation is working to reach people in need of protection but unable to reach pop-up vaccination sites.

“It’s not that they don’t want the vaccine, but they don’t feel it’s important enough to access the vaccine,” said George Mizurahi Jackson, Executive Director of APEB. “What do you want to do if it’s your brother, if it’s your sister, your daughter, or your son?”

Jackson says it is important for providers like his organization to address public health concerns such as the outbreak of monkeypox before a crisis like COVID-19. APEB will work with UCSF to provide poorly serviced people with access to health care that provides services such as mobile clinics.

“Give people confidence and give them a sense of purpose because it was given to me,” he said.

Due to the limited supply of vaccines, there was a long line around the bay area. People had been waiting for hours in San Francisco and Berkeley, but didn’t know if they had enough doses. It proved to be a challenge for the entire healthcare system. Jackson is worried that the wealthy and white customers of healthcare providers make up the majority of the people who can take the time to line up.

“I’m really lucky to have a flexible job and be able to line up for three hours in the middle of the job,” Wyatt Robertson said Thursday. He lives in San Francisco and went to Berkeley on Wednesday to get the vaccine at the pop-up clinic.

Steamworks hosts pop-ups and plans further later this month. After Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital announced Wednesday that it had run out of its quota for the week, it was the only destination many could go to last week.

“I was honored to be able to schedule flexible work and work with an internet connection on my laptop while waiting 6 hours,” Jon Wong said Thursday. .. He lives in Auckland and also got his first shot on Steamworks.

Other nonprofits agree with Jackson that providers must set aside doses for those who cannot travel or take time off to get the vaccine as supply increases.

Tyler Tarmer said Thursday, “Once we have a sufficient supply of vaccines in the region, we will do so through a fair lens that prioritizes communities that previously did not have the same access and opportunities to the healthcare sector. I have. “

TerMeer is the CEO of the San Francisco AIDS Foundation, and their clinic will provide vaccines to people on the waiting list on Sunday. They have taken 500 doses, but almost 3,000 have registered.

APEB says it will be able to deliver vaccines through mobile clinics as early as next week. This is an important task for Jackson, who is from Auckland and once needed the same services as his clients.

“This job is literally what I need for others,” Jackson said. “I’m as afraid as anyone else. I’m just as curious and inquisitive and dedicated to finding and sharing facts with the masses.”




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