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Japan launches a new lead train that can be run during an earthquake


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By Maggie Hyofu Wong, CNN Japan’s latest record bullet train not only runs faster and smoother – it is also able to transport passengers to safety in the event of an earthquake.

Thursday, July 2, 2020, 5:53 AM EST

Maggie Hyofo Wong, CNN

Not only is Japan’s latest record bullet train running faster and smoother – it is also able to transport passengers to safety in the event of an earthquake.

Entered N700S – “S” means “Supreme” – entered service July 1 and serves the Tokaido Shinkansen Line, which connects Tokyo Station with Shin-Osaka Station in Osaka.

It can reach speeds of 360 kilometers per hour, a new record during a test trial in 2019, making it one of the fastest trains in the world. However, the operating speed will be set at 285 km per hour.

It is the first new lead train model to be added to the Tokaido Shinkansen Line by JR Central in 13 years, a launch that was originally timed to coincide with the Tokyo Olympics in 2020 – now postponed to 2021.

Coincidentally, Japan opened the Tokaido Shinkansen streak in 1964, connecting Tokyo and Osaka, just in time for the Tokyo Summer Olympics that same year. It was the world’s first high-speed railway.

In terms of appearance, the N700S does not look completely different from the older N700 or N700A models, regardless of its elegant golden logo.

But look closely and you’ll see the brand new train with angular nose, more elegant “cheeks” and a smoother front design.

Inside, the newly designed seats allow passengers to bend more, providing more comfort, especially for long-distance passengers. Each seat has a single power outlet.

Interior lighting is designed to create a softer and more comfortable atmosphere. Overhead luggage racks will be lit at every stop to remind passengers of their belongings.

More reservation areas for reservations only for very large luggage were added to this model as well.

The actual flight will also be quieter and smoother, thanks to the new active suspension system that helps absorb train movements.

In addition to focusing on increasing comfort, the designers behind the new model focus heavily on safety.

The train has an automatic control system and an improved braking allowing it to stop faster in an emergency.

It is also equipped with a self-propelled system for the lithium-ion battery – the first of its kind in the world. This system allows the train to operate a short distance on its own during a power outage and will allow it to move to a safer place at low speed if it is stranded in a high-risk area – on a bridge or in a tunnel, for example – during an earthquake.

More cameras are also installed inside the car compartments – an increase from two cameras to up to six in each train carriage.

The upgraded components will occupy less space under the train floor compared to the old model, making it possible to create a more flexible configuration, from four cars to 16 cars. This also reduces energy consumption while speeding production times, making it a more attractive option for international operators.

“By making the N700S underground machinery lighter and more compact, we have created a new standard,” Masayuki Ueno, vice president of train business at JR Central, told Japanese broadcaster NHK in a 2019 interview.

“This new standard will also help when it comes to expanding our business abroad.”

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