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Stanley still shivering as the tourist season heats up


It has been three months since a 6.5-magnitude earthquake struck northwest Stanley on March 31. Since then, Stanley residents have experienced many disturbances and geologists have spread across central Idaho to investigate what happened and what could tell us about the nature of earthquakes in Idaho.

Rachel Cohen and Troy Obi report.

Dylan Mixel, a seismologist and professor of Boise University, was in the bedroom on the fifth floor when he felt shaken.

He said: “She was shaking our curtains and hitting the curtains on the windows, and stuff like that.”

Mexel and his colleagues quickly met with a group to make a Zoom call to talk about what had happened. Initial reports from the United States Geological Survey showed that the earthquake north of Stanley was along an unspecified error.

“This showed it was reacting to a faulty system across the challenge, which we thought was no longer active,” said Mexel.

The researchers worked on identifying the largest possible number of seismometers from regional agencies that night. Within two days, they drove seven sensors to the Stanley area, and put them in a big circle around the epicenter.

Roof cracks and a displaced tree near Stanley Lake are among the visible signs of the March 31 earthquake. Removal

Since the initial earthquake, there have been thousands of aftershocks, some of which are more than 4.0 degrees felt in Boise. Each shock gives scientists another idea of ​​how the fault lines behave underground.

Michelle said the Idaho permanent seismograph network can usually capture earthquakes greater than 2.5 degrees. To get an accurate “CT scan” of malfunctions, scientists want to be able to pinpoint even the smallest aftershocks, so stronger remote sensors help collect that data.

“We are watching how the earth moves up and down, north, south, east and west,” said Michelle.

Since late March, aftershocks have moved southward, toward Stanley and the Sawtooth Rift. But it is not just a movement that researchers monitor.

Stanley Mayor Steve Butte said he can hear the aftershocks before he feels them.

He said, “It’s strange, it’s kind of horror, it’s just ocean noise.”

Geologists in Boise State also installed ultrasound sensors in the area to record sounds from earthquakes, including those that humans cannot hear.

Newspaper reports of earthquakes often include anecdotes for people who say they heard voices before they felt an earthquake, but this has not been extensively studied scientifically. So Mikesell and the Boise State team look into it, and they think Sawtooth Mountains may have a relationship with it.

“These mountains are like little amplifiers that convert the mechanical energy in the Earth’s crust into a small sound wave,” said Mexel.

Other research teams are doing field work near Stanley as well. Claudio Berti, director of the Geological Survey of Idaho, also went to the mountains, but was looking for physical evidence of the earthquake. His team found avalanches and some slides, but was not torn to the surface.

It was until the Forest Service published a picture of Stanley Lake, showing that a large portion of the coastline fell into the water. Now there is no longer space for two or three soccer fields – it slid into the lake. Months later, Bertie stood on the beach and pointed to boats sailing in falling trees.

An aerial view of Stanley Lake now shows the submerged delta, which slid into the lake after the March 31 earthquake north of Stanley. Removal

He said: “These men had not been cruising with boats for three months. They were going to walk and they are now rowing.”

Bertie wants to understand what happened in Stanley Lake and, based on some preliminary surveys, believes he has undergone a process called Liquify.

Because of the vibration during the earthquake, the sand deposits that formed in the delta began to behave, momentarily, like a liquid.

Referring to a fallen tree, now partially submerged in water, Bertie explained how the land around her began to behave like water, so the roots couldn’t keep the tree standing and falling down.

Bertie said that the investigation of how the Stanley Lake Delta is liquefied is important, because if a coastline could sink during a rumble, it might be a bridge or a home as well. This is what made Stanley residents on the edge.

Mandy Clark said: “We all get grimace on our face when we feel a jerk.” Owns a mountain village resort in Stanley.

“We’re all on the edge of a cliff anytime the wind blows over the building.”

The initial earthquake, taken with security cameras at the village’s wine shop, struck a handful of bottles from the shelves, but nothing was broken. Fortunately the minimal damage was the story of most of the people in the city.

Clark said the vibration was more intense in her cabin four miles west of the city that evening.

You remember: “It was terrifying.” “The sound that was coming from the ground, it was like a freight train passes. I shook all the open cabinets, all the drawers open, the things from the top shelves, and the pictures from the wall.”

Clarke added, “We all remember when we were a kid under your desk, but as an adult, we somehow forgot what we did and a lot of people panicked or who didn’t do the right thing.”

No injuries were reported that day, but almost daily tremors since then have made some people in the city think more about emergency measures.

“We talked to the emergency services in Custer County,” said Butte. He is in his third year as Stanley Mayor. He says discussing earthquake preparedness while the issue is at the top of the mind seems like the right thing to do.

“What should people think? Should [people] Your house is searched? Should we have earthquake preparedness laws, building codes? ” Asked.

These types of ideas, Petit says, are slowly moving, even as regular vibration continues to remind residents.

The possibility of cutting the road if the roads are impassable or oblique in a major earthquake is a fact. From time to time, Stanley is interrupted – with three quick ways to get in and out – due to heavy snow or avalanches. Butte says the longest stretch he remembers is five days.

He said: “Until this time of time is a great concern because you are thinking about medical emergencies.” “If it is cut, there are all kinds of things that can happen that will be difficult for us to deal with.”

Returning to the village of Mountain, Clark said she knows that some tourists hope to feel the aftershock. But closing the coronavirus cost her most of the expected revenue in April, so she is happy that people are ever returning. Business at Stanley achieves the majority, if not all, of its annual income between memorial days and employment every summer.

Clark said: “We are certainly nervous that there will be another closure and we will not be able, as you know, to operate business as usual or people will stop traveling due to restrictions.”

Between the constant vibrations and the virus, the summer tourism season in Stanley is forming an unforgettable one.

Follow Troy OppieGoodBadOppie and Rachel Cohenracheld_cohen on Twitter for more local news.

Copyright 2020 Boise State Public Radio

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