What are the symptoms, and what to do if you have itExBulletin
World Health Organization Declares Outbreak of Monkeypox Public health emergencies of international concernHowever, it is not a disease that the general public is familiar with.
As of Saturday, the virus Found in over 70 countries, 68 people have historically not reported cases of monkeypox. According to the CDC, there have been confirmed cases in the United States in all but six states: Alaska, Maine, Mississippi, Montana, Vermont, and Wyoming.
For more than 10 yearsScientific members are concerned about the potential epidemic of monkeypox.
Approximately 16,000 cases have been reported worldwide, and here’s what you need to know about monkeypox, how to protect yourself, and what to do if you think you have monkeypox.
What exactly is monkeypox?
In addition to references to wildlife, the only similarity between monkeypox and chickenpox is that they are viruses.Instead, monkeypox It most closely resembles smallpox, which was eradicated in 1980 by a global vaccination effort.
The two viruses are from the orthopoxvirus family. Monkeypox is not as contagious or deadly as smallpox. However, some researchers are worried that monkeypox can mutate and pose a greater threat to humans.
1 Study published in 2008 He warned that if monkeypox was introduced into an unvaccinated population, the virus could take advantage of the situation to become an epidemic.
“Smallpox has been eradicated from the population since 1980, but monkeypox can fill this gap,” the study said. “In 2003, the widening chain of monkeypox transmission from person to person in the Republic of Congo revealed the potential for further adaptation of the virus to become a more successful human pathogen.”
Prior to the 2022 outbreak, almost all monkeypox cases found outside Africa – some rodents and non-human primates may carry the virus – Was associated with overseas travel and imported animals..
It is called monkeypox because it was first discovered in a monkey colony used in the study in 1958. But that doesn’t mean it’s derived from animals. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the cause of the disease remains unknown.
Only in the United States The outbreak was in 2003, with 47 potentially confirmed cases found in 6 states. Its outbreak was associated with pet prairie dogs in contact with infected rodents housed nearby, including several species of squirrels, mice, and rats. CDC said at the time..
What are the symptoms?
The signs and symptoms of monkeypox are similar to those of smallpox:
- heat
- headache
- muscle pain
- Lack of energy
A rash may also be present, Blisters filled with acne and pus, CDC says.. It can occur throughout the human body, including the face, feet, hands, genitals, and mouth.
It is important to note that doctors see subtle rashes on some patients. Some individuals developed only a single lesion that could be mistaken for symptoms of a sexually transmitted disease such as herpes or syphilis. NPR reported..
“I think it’s actually supercritical,” McGill University infectious disease doctor Donald Bin told NPR last month. “Because we can see how these patients are overlooked, but they are still contagious and can spread the disease.”
According to the CDC, the rash usually lasts 2 to 4 weeks, with some developing the rash before other symptoms appear, while others just experience it. rash.
How deadly is monkeypox?
Fortunately, the worldwide version of monkeypox (West African type) is not particularly deadly. According to the CDC We can expect more than 99% of patients to survive.
However, infections can be fatal to children under the age of eight, those with weakened immunity, and those who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
The most common result after infection is a rash scar.However, studies of human monkeypox can lead to more serious complications. Published in 2009, Including lung pain and bronchopneumonia. The virus can also cause eye infections and scarring of the cornea, and in severe cases can cause permanent loss of vision.
How does the virus spread?
The CDC says The risk of monkeypox in the United States is “believed to be low.” However, anyone in close contact with a sick person is at risk of infection.
The current outbreak extends from human-to-human contact.If you spend too much time face-to-face, you can develop infections from respiratory droplets. In a monkeypox carrier, WHO warns..
The virus also spreads through physical contact, such as contact with lesions or exchange of body fluids such as saliva. Touching an item or surface shared with a person showing symptoms can infect an individual.
How can I protect myself?
Evgeniy Maloletka / AP
As The CDC advises people to be careful in situations where it is not feasible to hit other people because the virus can spread through skin-to-skin contact, which makes it impossible to maintain a sense of personal space. I am. The risk is increased in places where clothing is minimal and you may experience that contact, such as crowded rave or clubs.
Potentially contaminated items such as bedding, clothes and towels should be contained until you have time to do the laundryCDC is recommended..frequently Wash your hands with soap and water You are cleaning, so dispose of all cleaning materials when you are done.
Another way to keep yourself and your loved ones safe is to stay up to date with the spread of the virus in your area.You can do so by checking CDC mapTrack monkeypox cases by state, and state and local health department alerts.
Monkeypox is not considered a sexually transmitted disease, but according to the CDC, researchers are trying to find out if the virus is found in semen, vaginal fluid, or feces. Sexually active individuals are open about potential exposure to the virus and should ask your partner to do the same.
The pregnant carrier who is about to give birth It is recommended to have a Caesarean section To reduce the risk of the virus infecting newborns. In addition, there are reports of premature birth, miscarriage and stillbirth.
What should I do if I have symptoms?
Whether the condition is active or you suspect you have come into contact with a potential carrier, the first step is to quarantine yourself to prevent the spread of the virus. Then contact your healthcare provider to determine if you should be tested.
However, taking the test is not as easy as it sounds. Scientists told NPR Outbreaks in the United States are higher than the official number of cases, and one calls the test status “abnormal.”
The WHO advises People isolate themselves for three weeks from their time Believe in them While waiting for test results, they may be exposed and restrict contact with others.
Your healthcare provider will tell you what to do if your monkeypox test is positive. According to WHO, the virus needs to carry out its course and the symptoms should resolve spontaneously in 2-4 weeks without the need for treatment.
If you have obvious symptoms, Here are some tips from WHO:
- Do not hurt the skin
- Dry the skin and avoid covering it
- Clean the skin with sterile water or disinfectant
- For body lesions, take a warm bath with baking soda or Epsom salt
- For lesions in the mouth, use a saline rinse as for ulcerative pain
If you live in a shared household, isolate in a room and use the designated bathroom if possible.Use separate tableware, towels and electronics, And do your own laundry. Open windows as much as possible for better ventilation. However, do not vacuum or vacuum as it can disturb the virus particles on the floor and lead to further infections.
How about the vaccine?
Holly Adams / Getty Images
The United States is using two smallpox vaccines to combat monkeypox, as historical data suggest that these vaccines may also be 85% effective against the virus. .. In the current outbreak CDC says No data are available on the efficacy of either vaccine.
According to the CDC, he has been exposed to monkeypox, Smallpox vaccine You need to get one sooner or later within three years. Authorities recommend inoculating individuals within 4 days of exposure, at the latest within 2 weeks, to relieve symptoms.
The side effects of the vaccine It may include mild fever, malaise, swelling of the glands, redness, and itching. Inoculation site.
Unfortunately, the supply of one vaccine is limited — more are expected to be available. Next weeks and months — And second, do not take if you have weak skin, weakened immunity, or are pregnant.
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